NM governor suspends open & concealed carry in Albuquerque for 30 days

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  • Lafayette

    Not that kind of doctor
    MDS Supporter
    Jan 8, 2021
    Not really

    Public parks and playgrounds are not sensitive places.
    Perhaps someday all the various county regulations prohibiting carry in the various parks and playgrounds here in MD will fall. I hate taking my kids to the playground and having to leave my CC behind.


    Not Even ONE Indictment
    MDS Supporter
    Feb 24, 2018
    Montgomery County
    She is insufferable.
    She is. But not because she doesn't understand this stuff. It's because she's banking on her state's malinformed lefties and the sycophantic news media to keep them that way. Then, when this whole circus act is completely chucked out the judicial window, she'll be able to tell that same intellectually immature audience that her "bold action" was shut down "by the NRA and the extreme MAGA replublicans" blah blah and click here to donate because I'm so stunning and brave.

    She knows it's all theater, and assumes fools for an audience. In large part, it's to make sure that all the sturm und drang prevents anyone from having the time and attention span to pin her down on why she isn't lifting a finger to actually put (and keep) the murdering criminals behind bars.


    Not Even ONE Indictment
    MDS Supporter
    Feb 24, 2018
    Montgomery County
    Is it feasible for this to reach SCOTUS in anyway?
    After it makes it through the court that gave it the TRO, it would have to be fought up through appeals courts before SCOTUS would be approached with it. There are some emergency routes to take, but this SCOTUS seems to favor letting things play out in the lower courts first.


    Crna Ovca
    Feb 15, 2013
    Дундак ex Florida Keys
    After it makes it through the court that gave it the TRO, it would have to be fought up through appeals courts before SCOTUS would be approached with it. There are some emergency routes to take, but this SCOTUS seems to favor letting things play out in the lower courts first.
    Lets say if it did,it would immensely strengthen us against tyranny and the anti-gun establishment.


    Head'n for the hills
    MDS Supporter
    Dec 21, 2008
    SoMD / West PA
    Didn't say it was OK , conforming to Restraining Order , or either Constitution. Just that version 2.0 was within an order of magnitude.
    1) the TRO applies to eveything covered in EO 1.0, which includes the scaled back ammended EO 2.0.

    2) The hearing is coming up soon for the final version. That is not going to go well for the governor.

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