Checkin in!

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  • Aug 8, 2022
    Hello, all! I have a small collection (two shotguns, two handguns). I was an instructor many, many years ago, but only shoot recreationally with family now. Had a concealed carry permit for several years, but stopped carrying when we moved to Maryland. Now that SCOTUS and Gov. Hogan have lifted the restrictions on CC, I'm planning to get my permit again.

    I have a couple of questions (the questions are about selling a weapon, but I don't believe they are violating the forum guidelines):

    First, has anyone used Anglers Sport Center for consignment sales? Opinions/experience?

    Second, have you found success/problems with selling guns in MDS's classifieds? I am highly unlikely to hit the 50 posts required to post an ad (seriously, I'm an early internet adopter - 1990 - and I don't think I've hit 50 posts on any forum ever), so I'm considering paying the $10 for ad access.


    P.S. To new user, @FakeID, so many questions that come with that username, but there's a band in the bar that I'm dying to see.


    Active Member
    MDS Supporter
    Aug 5, 2022
    AACo Maryland
    Hello, all! I have a small collection (two shotguns, two handguns). I was an instructor many, many years ago, but only shoot recreationally with family now. Had a concealed carry permit for several years, but stopped carrying when we moved to Maryland. Now that SCOTUS and Gov. Hogan have lifted the restrictions on CC, I'm planning to get my permit again.

    I have a couple of questions (the questions are about selling a weapon, but I don't believe they are violating the forum guidelines):

    First, has anyone used Anglers Sport Center for consignment sales? Opinions/experience?

    Second, have you found success/problems with selling guns in MDS's classifieds? I am highly unlikely to hit the 50 posts required to post an ad (seriously, I'm an early internet adopter - 1990 - and I don't think I've hit 50 posts on any forum ever), so I'm considering paying the $10 for ad access.


    P.S. To new user, @FakeID, so many questions that come with that username, but there's a band in the bar that I'm dying to see.
    First of all Welcome to to forum! As you've noticed I'm also a new user so please accept my welcome with a spoon full of salt.

    Secondly, I had to look up the band but that's a pretty funny coincidence. Let us know if they rock, or what! However, there is no relation. I'm just a smartass (or dumbass depending on how you look at it) with a keyboard that wasn't about to put my real name on an internet forum full of deplorables.
    Aug 8, 2022
    First of all Welcome to to forum! As you've noticed I'm also a new user so please accept my welcome with a spoon full of salt.

    Secondly, I had to look up the band but that's a pretty funny coincidence. Let us know if they rock, or what! However, there is no relation. I'm just a smartass (or dumbass depending on how you look at it) with a keyboard that wasn't about to put my real name on an internet forum full of deplorables.
    Thanks for the welcome, @44Dan44 and @FakeID.

    To clarify for anyone who may not be familiar:

    This forum really needs a like button.


    Active Member
    MDS Supporter
    Aug 5, 2022
    AACo Maryland
    Thanks for the welcome, @44Dan44 and @FakeID.

    To clarify for anyone who may not be familiar:

    This forum really needs a like button.

    LOL!! That went right over my head before. I did the google and a cover band from CT came up. I thought it was a strange reference but rolled with it.. makes more sense now.

    Agreed there needs to be a like button. And, vouchers for free beer.


    Jun 30, 2009
    in the bowels of Baltimore
    The only rule I know of about talking about selling firearms is nothing illegal is allowed here. The forum is too valuable to risk for that.

    Never been to Anglers.

    Check-in complete...welcome and carry on.

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