P365X-Macro official release

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  • Sunrise

    Ultimate Member
    Aug 18, 2020
    Capital Region
    That‘s hopeful.

    I wouldn‘t even DREAM of going into America‘s MogaDCshu without a full battle load of 300 rds.
    DC repealed its 20 round limit because of the lawsuit:

    Hope came through on this one. The 10 round magazine limit will be the next domino to fall.


    Sep 1, 2022
    I picked mine up at Atlantic last week. Shot it this weekend. Shoots better than my P320 xCompact for me personally. This will probably become my EDC once I can source a holster for it.


    Ultimate Member
    Aug 19, 2011
    It was on the agenda for Sept. Based on the process, it is in comment period and should appear on the website Oct 31.
    I spoke with Rebecca(i believe) at MSP handgun roster board, 10/23 is the first date eligible for sale in MD.

    Also PHLSTER has the enigma express and a holster available for the macro if that is your thing.


    Guns 'n Drums
    MDS Supporter
    Jul 22, 2008
    Glen Burnie
    I thought I'd bump this thread. I had the opportunity to try a few small pistols last weekend:

    Glock 43
    Sig 365 XL
    Sig 365 Macro

    The range I was on was a personal range with a myriad of steel targets - everything from gongs on chains to plates on stands, and small pieces of railroad rails on top of another piece of rail. The advantage of this was the ability to swing in an arc on a lot of larger and smaller individual targets, and also made for the opportunity to do quick acquisition/aiming and firing rather than just punching holes in a target silhouette. We had lots of practice ammo so we were able to mag dump our way around those targets a bunch of times with each pistol.

    I came away with a few thoughts on each:

    Glock 43: Decent pistol, and I was plenty accurate with it - this one had a Holosun optic which made hitting what I was shooting pretty easy. However, I didn't like shooting it at all. WIth every shot the blade in the trigger stung my trigger finger. I realize that for a carry pistol to be used in self-defense this really isn't a big deal, but it was my least favorite of the 3 to shoot, and also the least controllable.

    Sig 365 XL: I like this pistol - it filled up my hand, was easy to hit what I was shooting for, and it didn't sting the heck out of my trigger finger. I also liked the size - it's larger than the 10 round 365, but still fairly small. I found this pistol to be easier to control than the Glock 43.

    Sig 365 Macro: As a shooter, this one was clearly the best of the 3 and it seemed like we just kept shooting and shooting on a single mag - that 17 round mag goes a long way. It was VERY easy to control on follow-up shots, which was interesting because the actual barrel length is the same as the 365 xl, but it has the longer "ported" slide. I don't know if it's easier to follow up with because of the added weight, the porting in the slide, or the fact that the grip is just that much longer, but it was fun to shoot. Even shooting fast running around the arc of those steel targets, it just seemed like it wanted to hit what you were shooting for.

    Given the choice between the 3, I'd probably pick the 365 XL. The smaller size is appealing to me and although it wasn't as controllable as the 365 Macro, a person could become very proficient with it with minimal practice.

    By contrast, we also had my Sig 226 Mk25, and that thing is amazing when it comes to just being a fantastic shooter. It's a big pistol, so it wouldn't be my choice as a W&C pistol, but both me and my friend had a great time mag dumping that on the steel targets.


    The Hebrew Hammer
    MDS Supporter
    Mar 25, 2009
    Rockville, MD
    Well, I bought a used P365X Macro off the interwebs. Mags are being shipped elsewhere.

    I am still figuring out the holster situation. If a TLR-1 fits it, I'll probably start off my PHLSter Floodlight (I have both AIWB and OWB versions). If not, well, it'll be something else. The reality is that I'm probably just going to buy a Wilson 365X grip and carry it as a budget Spectre Comp most of the time, so spending a ton of money on a Macro holster isn't high on my list.

    One thing I really do like about the P365 platform is that it's so flexible, much like the P320. I can run this as an acceptable duty-style gun (Macro mode, maybe with the newly teased longer "Maxro" slide), a balanced carry gun (XL Spectre Comp mode), even an IDPA BUG gun (micro compact mode). If anything, I think I'd like to see Sig move in the direction of having an ultra-compact model that could compete with the smaller pocket carry guns (LCP MAX coming to mind).


    Staff member
    Apr 11, 2008

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