Imagine an HOA so pathetic, the members want to violate rights inside private homes (no guns)

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  • Occam

    Not Even ONE Indictment
    MDS Supporter
    Feb 24, 2018
    Montgomery County
    I've previously mentioned the apocryphal story of Daniel Boone, who bethought himself to relocate when he saw the cooking fires from another homestead on the horizon.
    Mr. Boone is a distant relative of mine. I suspect that he and I each inherited our baseline annoyance with most of humanity from the same bucket of DNA.


    "Part of that Ultra MAGA Crowd"
    MDS Supporter
    Jan 15, 2006
    AA county
    Nothing HOAs try to do surprises me. Why anyone would want to join something that could just charge you tens of thousands of dollars for "improvements" you may or may not want, make a bunch of nanny rules about your home, and fine you for real on imagined violations of them is beyond me. And that's not even mentioning the criminal behavior of some of the boards like just took place in Florida stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars.


    Ultimate Member
    At the last house, the HOA was selective nazi-ism. Hoa president hated me and one neighbor and we got the letters from the management company. During duck season I may or may not have left the boat in the driveway more than a day.. especially when I would be using again in a few days. It was a total royal process to get it in and out of the garage. Neighbor brought his little john boat up during crabbing season and wanted to keep it in his yard. We both got the letters, meanwhile others in neighborhood had boats parked on street in front of houses AND one guy kept John boat on trailer in back yard for years.

    I was visiting old neighbors recently and saw even more violations, trailers in driveways, more boats on street.

    Another time I got a letter for excessive weeds in yard and in shrub in front of house. That "weed" in the shrub was a volunteer tree. Our yard sizes were 1/6 to 1/4 acre. EVERYONE had some sort of weeds in the yard. I was one of the few who tried to keep them somewhat controlled. So... the HOA didn't like my weeds in the shrubs??? Don't tell that to a redneck with a truck. I backed into yards and ripped all the stuff out and left a pile of brush in yard that I may or may not have cleaned up as quickly as I could. It looked worse after I did that than before but the "weeds in shrubs" were gone. What the Nazis didn't know at the time, I was planning on doing that anyways to update the original 30 y old landscaping. Think it was a good 9 months before we redid the landscaping...which was a year before we were going to be moving so it all had a chance to get well established for the curb appeal.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Aug 26, 2013
    College Park
    City pricks can also be pricks

    We got a note in our mailbox about not removing all the snow and ice from the sidewalk (public easement)

    Not sure what would have happened, I cleaned it asap

    Damn bourbon

    I myself would never let my lawn look redneckish
    Several years back when I was recovering from surgery my grass got a little too high. I received a letter from the City of College Park with a warning. I sent them back a photo of the city maintained island next to my house with much higher grass and politely told them to shove it I will cut the grass when able.


    Ultimate Member
    Jun 11, 2010
    I don't think this would fly in any way shape or form. In addition I don't know how the HOA could get away with it for people already living there w/firearms. They can't just change the rules like that which upend people's lives.


    Powered by natural gas
    Oct 30, 2010
    Westminster, MD
    We live on the outskirts of Westminster city limits, in a decent townhome community. I don't think when we bought this place in 2002, we knew we were in a HOA, or fully understood what is was. We went thru periods where the HOA was picky about all sorts of stuff, like color of the house, roof, grass height, shed height. They seemed to selectively go after people too. We go letters once about bringing our trash cans around back after trash day, but that was back in like 2011 when we had blizzards and couldn't get around back, or even open our gate. Then many years ago, our Bradford Pear tree in the back yard got knocked down by a storm and maybe a year later we got a letter inquiring why we removed the tree without HOA permission. Fortunately I still had the storm pictures, which I sent, replying that a higher authority than them, God, took down the tree, and they'd have to take it up with him. Never heard back.

    In 2020-2021 we had the neighbors from hell, that we couldn't do anything about. Around that same time, the house 2 houses up got sold, and the guy who moved in became the HOA president. The HOA couldn't really do anything to help the residents, or the landlord get them out, despite violations. The HOA knew all about them and instead of fining the landlord, because they knew what he was dealing with, sent him letters he could show the squatters, to hopefully get them to clean their sh!t up, or mow. The HOA president is a nice guy I get along with, but it's funny he himself violates some thing, like having a trampoline in the back yard, fence is falling apart, and a window AC unit hanging out of a window.

    I don't think the HOA, at least here, has any authority to regulate what goes on inside a home, so there's no way they'd be able to ban gun ownership. I wouldn't comply even if they did. Even though our HOA isn't as horrible as some, next place we move, I vow, will be HOA free.


    Defenestration Specialist
    Jun 9, 2011
    Frederick County
    They can't just change the rules like that which upend people's lives.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Apr 3, 2017
    Carroll County
    I remember reading about one HOA that wanted all homeowners to leave their garage doors open during the day. Yeah, right. Let's advertise to the world what I have in my garage, especially when I am not at home to protect it.


    Throbbing Member
    MDS Supporter
    Nov 13, 2006
    I remember reading about one HOA that wanted all homeowners to leave their garage doors open during the day. Yeah, right. Let's advertise to the world what I have in my garage, especially when I am not at home to protect it.
    That’s hard no for me


    The Dude Abides
    MDS Supporter
    May 15, 2007
    Why is the hell would an HOA want everyone to leave their garage doors open during the day? I can’t even think of one plausible reason for everyone to do so…


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Apr 3, 2017
    Carroll County

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