What gun projects did you abandon or will never finish?

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  • teratos

    My hair is amazing
    MDS Supporter
    Patriot Picket
    Jan 22, 2009
    Bel Air/Ellicott City
    AR-007, so hard to find parts for. And the rocket-propelled ammunition almost always sells out before I can click "Buy it all".

    PM me with what you need. I can make pretty much any part on my mill. As long as the barrel is properly torqued, the AS-007 functions just fine with loose tolerances. That’s the beauty.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Jun 17, 2016
    God's Country
    AR-007, so hard to find parts for. And the rocket-propelled ammunition almost always sells out before I can click "Buy it all".

    Is that a new variant of the AS-007 or just a typo.

    Also I had read that some folks were creating their own .42 caliber self-propelled rocket rounds, using a mixture crushed up match heads, Testers Solid Rocket motors and glycerine. The now deleted youtube videos were impressive. One guy used teflon coated carbon fiber 3D printed projectiles packed with the homemade rocket powder. He was penetrating 6-8” into a ballistic gel torso protected with homemade bulletproof body armor!


    Jul 18, 2008
    AA County
    For me, it's a Spanish Mauser '93 in 7x57mm that was my Christmas present when I was 13. This was back in the early 70s and there were barrels of obsolete Mausers in discount stores that were being sporterized. I had Tommy Bish's gunsmithing book and he had done a few with full-length Mannlicher stocks that were just beautiful, even if some of the styling was "of a time." With my hard-earned paper route money, I ordered a Mannlicher stock and a couple inletting tools from Herter's (remember the original catalog?). The description said that barrel channel wasn't complete and would have to be finish-inletted. Well, that level of craftsmanship was waaaaay above my 13 year old capabilities. I got started but just didn't have the patience, or skills, to finish the job. That stock is still in my workshop, after being carried from house to house for almost 50 years! One of these days...



    Ultimate Member
    Jun 23, 2015
    My 30-06 Weatherby VGR. I trashed it when I rolled my 4wheeler down the mountain on my first bear hunt ever with me on it. It had a beautiful glossy blue and a classic Monte Carlo stock.
    I always dreamed of putting one of their polymer stocks on it and having it parkerized.

    Now it sits in the back of my safe with a 2" gouge on the barrel and a totally munged up stock. I can't even bring myself to pick it up.

    I killed a lot of deer with that gun...:sad20:

    Aww that sucks. Sounds like bad juju. I’d be willing to exorcise (or even exercise) those demons for you. I’ll be by to take it off your hands anytime you want :o


    Ultimate Member
    Aug 18, 2009
    Back around 2003 I bought a Yugo SKS for about $150 or so- was a beaut but never got around to shooting it. Around 2010 finally took it out and it wouldn’t cycle any ammo and bolt would lock after firing where you’d have to use a hammer to free the spent casing. Came to realize it was the gas button, it was stuck on Grenade Launcher- spent way too much time,
    money, and energy trying to free the stuck valve, nothing worked. Finally gave up, scrapped the original receiver and bought a stripped one and moved stock and parts over to it and it worked fine but was a mixmaster now by nature. Ended up selling it for a profit, of course it was less than they go for today even in mixmaster state. By that time I had a few other SKS’s that worked fine and were more collector grade condition so I never looked back .
    Build a dedicated AR22 from a polymer 80 percent lower. Everything is assembled except the lower which I haven't milled going on a year

    Glock G21 clone. Slide is complete, frame still needs complete, going on a year

    Taking my mini 14 out of the tapco tacticool stock and putting it back in wood.. well over a year

    Taking 1 of my SKS rifles out of its tacticool stock and putting it back into wood after refinishing the wood going over 2 years

    Taking my Winchester 120 out of its wood and putting it in magpul furniture 6 months

    Starting on my traditions cap lock pistol kit 3 months

    Im getting my house ready for sale so I dont see me doing any of these things any time soon. I do do some reloading no time for anything else


    Ultimate Member
    Jul 2, 2017
    Sun City West, AZ
    About thirty or so years ago I had a 1903 Springfield receiver. I picked up a new sporterized barrel for it and intended to build a nice sporter...just because. Just never got around to it...got married (first time)...moved...life just got in the way. I ended up selling the parts.


    Throw bread on me
    Mar 13, 2013
    White Marsh, MD
    I've got a CETME L kit I'm liking sending to Marcolmar or else itll sit forever

    My old man has a flintlock kit he was given in 1980 still in the closet


    Active Member
    Jan 28, 2009
    Model 1896 Krag sporter project that's been languishing for 6 years now. Nice action with bright shiny NOS bolt, new Criterion barrel, and receiver sight. Doubt it'll ever get finished since I've picked up a couple dandy Krag sporters in the meantime. I ought to sell it...


    Throw bread on me
    Mar 13, 2013
    White Marsh, MD
    Oh this thread made me pull one out today. I've got an 1896 M91 which someone stripped the stock on. Looks like the stock was absolutely shattered and they had no choice but to repair it but the job was never completed

    Name Taken

    Ultimate Member
    Feb 23, 2010
    I do the opposite. I buy the gun, buy the accessories, build it out, then never use it.

    Savage .308 bolt gun never fired.

    Colt 6920 with a bunch of dead weight that I never used.

    870 Tactical setup for HD...never fired a round

    Saiga 7.62 converted into AK mags...test fired only.

    Sig 229 E2 had to have as a carry weapon...never carried.

    Savage .22 bolt gun...but and mounted scope, never used.


    Staff member
    Apr 11, 2008
    I bought a heavy barrel .22 Savage and scope. Bought all the specialized .22 ammo that Gun Connection could get me to get it sighted in and figure out what it likes best. I've never chambered a round in it.

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