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  • rdc

    Ultimate Member
    Dec 3, 2010
    Does anyone know of any other crimes where a gun built from an 80% receiver was used? I was having a conversation with an semi-anti gun friend of mine a few weeks back about 80% receivers after he read an article about them. At that time I didn't know of any crimes where these were specifically used.


    Active Member
    Dec 19, 2012
    Havre de Grace
    Well, there goes 80% receivers. They will be targeted for banning next. And after that, 60% receivers, followed by "any object or material that can be made into a lower receiver." Let the slippery slope begin.


    Man of Many Nicknames
    Jun 28, 2010
    Howard County
    Well, there goes 80% receivers. They will be targeted for banning next. And after that, 60% receivers, followed by "any object or material that can be made into a lower receiver." Let the slippery slope begin.

    I'm waiting to California to ban Aluminum because you can make it into an AR-15.


    Active Member
    May 11, 2013
    What we need to do is make a law that requires criminals to care about laws. VOILA!

    I'm a problem solver. :thumbsup:
    BINGO. How about this one.

    daijizai said:
    All existing firearm legislation enhancing controls on the purchase of firearms in excess of those required by the federal government are hereby repealed.

    Moreover, the use of a firearm, firearm lookalike (airsoft, paintball, etc...), or firearm analog (zip gun) in he commission of a crime where the principal intent of the use of said weapon is inferred by a jury of the defendant's peers to instill fear of death in the victim of the crime shall be considered a capital offense whose minimum sentence shall be the penalty of death by firing squad.

    OK maybe not firing squad, but lethal injection would work I suppose. If THAT doesn't make them care about laws nothing will.
    Last edited:


    Ultimate Member
    Apr 3, 2012
    Carroll County
    TO Tapeman1
    You hit the NAIL ON THE HEAD!! Damn....that law, would make more sense than all the other new ones being proposed now. MAKE CRIMINALS CARE ABOUT GUN LAWS!!!

    That should take care of things, IMMEDIATELY!! :-) Why didn't they think of that earlier!!


    Ultimate Member
    Patriot Picket
    Jan 23, 2013
    TO Tapeman1
    You hit the NAIL ON THE HEAD!! Damn....that law, would make more sense than all the other new ones being proposed now. MAKE CRIMINALS CARE ABOUT GUN LAWS!!!

    That should take care of things, IMMEDIATELY!! :-) Why didn't they think of that earlier!!


    Ultimate Member
    Mar 7, 2009
    Preston, MD
    Isn't it convienent that in a time when government is trying to find a way to end the 80% movement, a violent crime is publicized with one involved. Sorta like the Sandyhook shooting months after the election, and despite the lack of real proof them saying it was a 'Bushmaster' used. Just food for thought.

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