Need a Dentist - Severna Park/Annapolis

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  • hodgepodge

    Senior Member (Gold)
    Sep 3, 2009
    Arnold, MD
    Our long time dentist, and personal friend, in Severna Park is selling his practice and retiring. A group that owns other locations in Glen Burnie and Annapolis is taking over but they are as new to me as anything.

    Looking for recommendations in Arnold, Severna Park, or Annapolis. Delta Dental coverage is nice but I'll lose that when I retire in a year or so.

    The big thing I am looking for is basic dental care, cleaning and the necessary work. I don't want the upsell.



    Ultimate Member
    Oct 29, 2008
    Severn River Dental. Dr. Yeremi. His wife does the Orthodontics. Good for adults and kids. Clean. In the park tavern plaza.


    NRA Endowment Member, Rifleman
    Staff member
    May 22, 2005
    Our long time dentist, and personal friend, in Severna Park is selling his practice and retiring. A group that owns other locations in Glen Burnie and Annapolis is taking over but they are as new to me as anything.

    Looking for recommendations in Arnold, Severna Park, or Annapolis. Delta Dental coverage is nice but I'll lose that when I retire in a year or so.

    The big thing I am looking for is basic dental care, cleaning and the necessary work. I don't want the upsell.

    Guessing you were with Cranska?


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Nov 20, 2014
    severna park
    About Smiles dentistry on Forest Dr is who I use. They have a $300/ year plan that includes two checkups, cleaning, and X-Rays. 20% off any additional work if needed. Might be $350 the first year IIRC. Only about a block down Forest Dr so not too hard to get to.


    NRA Endowment Member, Rifleman
    Staff member
    May 22, 2005

    This guy is as good as any those far. And he's close by the house and so far has treated my toddler good on her first dental visits.
    That's my new guy, and he's as good as I've ever experienced.

    And if you are nearby we should have a drink

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