MOCO Anti-Hate Task Force has Spoken! (Get the meme ready)

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  • RFBfromDE

    W&C MD, UT, PA
    MDS Supporter
    Aug 21, 2022
    The Land of Pleasant Living

    It seemed to go well;

    Members of the African American/Black, Asian American and Pacific Islander, Jewish, Latino/Hispanic, LGBTQ+ and Muslim cohorts pushed for more educational programs. especially for those employed by Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), so they could better understand the history and culture of the various groups.

    But deteriorated RAPIDLY.

    “Everyone is really vulnerable, because everyone is experiencing hate,” said Council President Evan Glass, who created the Anti-Hate Task Force.

    “The status quo is unexpectable. It is hurtful. It is harmful. It is detrimental,” he said at Tuesday’s meeting at the Wheaton Community Recreation Center. He praised task force members for having “courageous conversations.”

    County Executive Marc Elrich addressed the group, noting the county has come a long way but still has far to go. In 1970, the county’s residents were 70% White and 4.5% Black. Now, they are 44% White, 19% Black and 22% Hispanic, he said."


    "Ron White, from the African American/Black cohort, said, “We are in a state of emergency, feeling the wrath of hate.” He noted that Black churches have been vandalized and that Black MCPS students have the highest rates of suspension and rank lowest on the achievement gap."


    Ambereen Khan of the Muslim Cohort cited the need for more cultural competency education and mandatory reporting of hate crimes.

    “I have heard countless stories from members of our community. They are scared,” she said. She noted that Muslims have been told they support Hamas if they carry a Palestinian flag or wear particular clothing.

    “We are weaponizing hate as a way of silencing criticism of the actions of Israel,” she said.

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    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Sep 19, 2010
    Baltimore, Maryland
    I worked for the County Gov't on 9-11 and I can tell ya', the smoke I saw off in the distance from my EOB 10th floor office was not caused by the Israelis. If I still worked for the County, I could likely be fired for saying that.


    Ultimate Member
    Aug 18, 2020
    Capital Region

    It seemed to go well;

    Members of the African American/Black, Asian American and Pacific Islander, Jewish, Latino/Hispanic, LGBTQ+ and Muslim cohorts pushed for more educational programs. especially for those employed by Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), so they could better understand the history and culture of the various groups.

    But deteriorated RAPIDLY.

    "Members of the African American/Black, Asian American and Pacific Islander, Jewish, Latino/Hispanic, LGBTQ+ and Muslim cohorts pushed for more educational programs. especially for those employed by Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), so they could better understand the history and culture of the various groups.

    “Everyone is really vulnerable, because everyone is experiencing hate,” said Council President Evan Glass, who created the Anti-Hate Task Force.

    “The status quo is unexpectable. It is hurtful. It is harmful. It is detrimental,” he said at Tuesday’s meeting at the Wheaton Community Recreation Center. He praised task force members for having “courageous conversations.”

    County Executive Marc Elrich addressed the group, noting the county has come a long way but still has far to go. In 1970, the county’s residents were 70% White and 4.5% Black. Now, they are 44% White, 19% Black and 22% Hispanic, he said."


    "Ron White, from the African American/Black cohort, said, “We are in a state of emergency, feeling the wrath of hate.” He noted that Black churches have been vandalized and that Black MCPS students have the highest rates of suspension and rank lowest on the achievement gap."


    Ambereen Khan of the Muslim Cohort cited the need for more cultural competency education and mandatory reporting of hate crimes.

    “I have heard countless stories from members of our community. They are scared,” she said. She noted that Muslims have been told they support Hamas if they carry a Palestinian flag or wear particular clothing.

    “We are weaponizing hate as a way of silencing criticism of the actions of Israel,” she said.


    Meme Deployed:



    Ultimate Member

    It seemed to go well;

    Members of the African American/Black, Asian American and Pacific Islander, Jewish, Latino/Hispanic, LGBTQ+ and Muslim cohorts pushed for more educational programs. especially for those employed by Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), so they could better understand the history and culture of the various groups.

    But deteriorated RAPIDLY.

    "Members of the African American/Black, Asian American and Pacific Islander, Jewish, Latino/Hispanic, LGBTQ+ and Muslim cohorts pushed for more educational programs. especially for those employed by Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), so they could better understand the history and culture of the various groups.

    “Everyone is really vulnerable, because everyone is experiencing hate,” said Council President Evan Glass, who created the Anti-Hate Task Force.

    “The status quo is unexpectable. It is hurtful. It is harmful. It is detrimental,” he said at Tuesday’s meeting at the Wheaton Community Recreation Center. He praised task force members for having “courageous conversations.”

    County Executive Marc Elrich addressed the group, noting the county has come a long way but still has far to go. In 1970, the county’s residents were 70% White and 4.5% Black. Now, they are 44% White, 19% Black and 22% Hispanic, he said."


    "Ron White, from the African American/Black cohort, said, “We are in a state of emergency, feeling the wrath of hate.” He noted that Black churches have been vandalized and that Black MCPS students have the highest rates of suspension and rank lowest on the achievement gap."


    Ambereen Khan of the Muslim Cohort cited the need for more cultural competency education and mandatory reporting of hate crimes.

    “I have heard countless stories from members of our community. They are scared,” she said. She noted that Muslims have been told they support Hamas if they carry a Palestinian flag or wear particular clothing.

    “We are weaponizing hate as a way of silencing criticism of the actions of Israel,” she said.


    Just another subversive way of attacking the 1st Amendment and keep your race baiting pimp whining relevance !
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    Habitual Testifier
    MDS Supporter
    Dec 27, 2012
    Meanwhile certain segments of the population keep succeeding primarily due to strong and disciplined families who work hard and study hard.

    Bob A

    όυ φροντισ
    MDS Supporter
    Patriot Picket
    Nov 11, 2009
    Takoma Park/Silver Spring
    As an old, White conservative (actually a "Classical Liberal") there's no one in MoCo more hated than me and my ilk.

    Classical liberalism

    Classical liberalism is a political tradition and a branch of liberalism which advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; and civil liberties under the rule of law, with special emphasis on individual autonomy, limited government, economic freedom, political freedom and freedom of speech. Wikipedia


    Ultimate Member
    Dec 30, 2020
    Hate is not a crime.

    And, while MoCo may not like it, hate speech is also not a crime in this country (unlike, say, England.) It might be hurtful, but it's protected by the first ammendment. It might get you kicked out of school or fired from a job, but it won't get you arrested (yet.)

    While I mostly only hate individuals rather than groups, there are exceptions (pedos, terrorists, etc.) And I cherish my right to hate anybody for any reason as I please, and say so if I wish.

    Bob A

    όυ φροντισ
    MDS Supporter
    Patriot Picket
    Nov 11, 2009
    Takoma Park/Silver Spring
    Hate is not a crime.

    And, while MoCo may not like it, hate speech is also not a crime in this country (unlike, say, England.) It might be hurtful, but it's protected by the first ammendment. It might get you kicked out of school or fired from a job, but it won't get you arrested (yet.)

    While I mostly only hate individuals rather than groups, there are exceptions (pedos, terrorists, etc.) And I cherish my right to hate anybody for any reason as I please, and say so if I wish.
    Most of us merely comply with the 2-Minute Hate.

    It's refreshing to find someone so enthusiastic!


    Ultimate Member
    Hate is not a crime.

    And, while MoCo may not like it, hate speech is also not a crime in this country (unlike, say, England.) It might be hurtful, but it's protected by the first ammendment. It might get you kicked out of school or fired from a job, but it won't get you arrested (yet.)

    While I mostly only hate individuals rather than groups, there are exceptions (pedos, terrorists, etc.) And I cherish my right to hate anybody for any reason as I please, and say so if I wish.
    Being an avowed Misanthrope I am an equal opportunity hater !


    Active Member
    MDS Supporter
    Feb 22, 2021

    “I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally. ”​

    ― W.C. Fields

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