Laws have changed and stores aren’t selling to us

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  • MDRifles

    Mar 9, 2017
    My aunt boyfriend have been trying to buy a scar and online stores aren’t selling to Maryland. The landscape in firearms is drastically different since the last time I’ve made online gun orders. Other than Atlantic what sites online is comfortable selling AR platforms to Maryland?


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Dec 18, 2014
    The SCAR isn't an AR platform.

    Every gun shop I've ever visited in this state has AR-15's for sale. And lots have had scars. I recommend you go to the IP section and find a couple of nearby stores to browse their inventory before shopping online.


    Ultimate Member
    May 2, 2011
    socialist occupied maryland


    Ultimate Member
    Nov 5, 2008
    Brooklyn, MD
    Just because a law may change does not mean an out of state store wants to deal with MD bs….they are free to choose whom they deal with…plenty of other vendors in the sea


    Liberty = Responsibility
    MDS Supporter
    Oct 25, 2012
    Yeah, Using my Ipad, I hate apple products just changing what you type instead of suggesting.
    Apple doesn't have a patent on the Autowreckit, Samsung does the same thing. Sometimes I think it knows what it is doing and getting a good laugh.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Dec 29, 2015
    Montgomery County
    I got mine in 2012. It was new and not on the 'list' that seems to be mostly recycled for all the new firearms related infringements . The dealer said I could pick up the day after it came in. The muzzle break doesn't count as a super killy assault weapon feature, so a pistol grip and folding stock only add up to two killy features which is ok.


    Past President, MSI
    MDS Supporter
    Apr 6, 2011
    I got mine in 2012. It was new and not on the 'list' that seems to be mostly recycled for all the new firearms related infringements . The dealer said I could pick up the day after it came in. The muzzle break doesn't count as a super killy assault weapon feature, so a pistol grip and folding stock only add up to two killy features which is ok.
    Pistol grip doesn't count. If you have 2 of the three "killy things" you hav a banned firearm.


    Past President, MSI
    MDS Supporter
    Apr 6, 2011
    Isn’t a pistol grip one of the items you can only have 3 of or no more than 3?
    Tell us you haven't read the law without telling us you haven't read the law.

    First, there are only 3 banned accessories, and a pistol grip isn't one of them.
    Second, you can have one of any of the three items and be legal.
    Third, if you have two of the three items on your centerfire rifle, it is now a copycat and banned in Maryland.

    The accessories are:
    Folding stock
    Flash Hider
    Grenade/Flare launcher
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