home inspector

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  • wabbit

    Ultimate Member
    Apr 29, 2010
    Can anyone recommend a good home inspector who will work in the Warrenton, VA, area ?



    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    May 24, 2012
    Escaped MD-stan to WNC Smokies
    I would check the “Find an Inspector” page on the ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors) website: https://www.homeinspector.org/

    This can be a contentious topic - like realtors, there are a lot of people out there carrying cards or putting up signs or taking out space in the yellow pages as, “home inspectors” simply because they can find their way out of a phone booth - To Be Avoided.

    Finding a truly solid, qualified and knowledgeable Home Inspector can be a roll of the dice.

    I‘m not saying that just because an inspector is not ASHI-certified means that they’re automatically a sub-standard inspector.

    What I am saying, and a main reason we’ve always used the ASHI by-zip-locator with tremendous success is because we at least know the inspector has met (and continues to meet) some pretty rigid guidelines

    We‘ve had to hire quite a few home inspectors over the decades and we’ve yet to find a dud that was ASHI certified. (Heck, the last one saved us $45,000!!!! We STILL send he and his wife a gift certificate out to a white linen tablecloth steakhouse every holiday…
    Last edited:


    Ultimate Member
    Can anyone recommend a good home inspector who will work in the Warrenton, VA, area ?

    You could check with this guy. He just did our walk through with us on the new home we’re having built and had also done a “pre-drywall” inspection earlier. He caught quite a few things I would not have noticed. I know he does a lot of work in Maryland and PA and I thought I heard him say something about having been in Virginia. I could be mistaken but a phone call or text to him to ask can’t hurt.



    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    May 24, 2012
    Escaped MD-stan to WNC Smokies
    You could check with this guy. He just did our walk through with us on the new home we’re having built and had also done a “pre-drywall” inspection earlier. He caught quite a few things I would not have noticed. I know he does a lot of work in Maryland and PA and I thought I heard him say something about having been in Virginia. I could be mistaken but a phone call or text to him to ask can’t hurt.

    The best home we ever owned was the one where we involved and introduced our ASHI-certified home inspector to our builder AT THE TIME OF CONTRACT SIGNING.

    Per our contract stipulations, the inspector was on-site before they back-filled the foundation, after framing and house wrap was done (caught some Major issues at this point around second story windows that even the builder’s job site foreman missed!) then after electric and plumbings run, post insulation.

    Best d*mn money we ever spent.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    May 24, 2012
    Escaped MD-stan to WNC Smokies
    @wabbit , I will also add a feature of the ASHI website which I failed to mention and which we use is the “Additional Services” filter feature down in the lower left corner …

    I peruse that feature for areas of specialty that may apply specifically to the property we are considering. Things like “mold issues” helped us find an inspector that guided us through what was going to need to be done in a crawlspace under a $1M home and which we would’ve otherwise likely not been able to negotiate the seller paying for the corrections to ($6,000 so, not chump change)

    When I see a bunch of “Additional Services” with only one “(1)” inspector indicated - and it is almost or always the same inspector out of the entire list of others well - we know that’s the inspector for us.


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    Ultimate Member
    The best home we ever owned was the one where we involved and introduced our ASHI-certified home inspector to our builder AT THE TIME OF CONTRACT SIGNING.

    Per our contract stipulations, the inspector was on-site before they back-filled the foundation, after framing and house wrap was done (caught some Major issues at this point around second story windows that even the builder’s job site foreman missed!) then after electric and plumbings run, post insulation.

    Best d*mn money we ever spent.
    Yeah, lots of things would have escaped my awareness. Hurricane clips in the attic for example. They are supposed to anchor the roof trusses to the walls to prevent roof lift off in the event of hurricane force winds. Makes perfect sense but I didn’t even know it was a thing.


    Ultimate Member
    Apr 29, 2010
    Thanks guys for the input. I'll look at the ASHI website and see who works near our new home. The previous inspector we had for our home in Manassas was very good, but he worked mostly east of Manassas and Gainesville. He doesn't go all the way out to Warrenton.

    On a side note, as the Democrats flee the rathole that is DC, they are moving further west into VA, and that's pushing up housing prices and making others move further west. It's not unusual to see people commuting in from Warrenton or Gainesville now.

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