biden says he will defeat the nra

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  • randomuser

    Ultimate Member
    Nov 12, 2018
    Baltimore County
    Ditching the NRA (more than 5 million of us) is foolish in my opinion. The Swamp *fears* the NRA 'cause 5 million. Supporting or not supporting the NRA is not a binary decision. I will gladly join additional 2A-supporting organizations, such as SAF.

    I am saddened about how effective the Progressives have been in dividing us. We cannot (well, we should not) be contributing to our own destruction. Trump was a voice for our Movement. The Movement does not end due to the destruction of Trump. Principled men and women need to Stand and Fight. Tea Party + MAGA is a formidable foe for the Progs. I will not take a knee or bow to the Progs; let the consequences be, whatever...

    The swamp should fear the 5 million people more than they fear the nra. The fact that we think we need an nra is sad.
    All they do is compromise.
    I'd pay them if they drew lines in the sand with repercussions if said lines are crossed. But we as a people don't seem to support that and are willing to compromise our rights.


    Mar 4, 2012
    The NRA is doing a great job defeating itself without any help from Biden. They need to pull it together faster.


    Active Member
    Jan 10, 2021
    The swamp should fear the 5 million people more than they fear the nra. The fact that we think we need an nra is sad.
    All they do is compromise.
    I'd pay them if they drew lines in the sand with repercussions if said lines are crossed. But we as a people don't seem to support that and are willing to compromise our rights.

    if they didn't fear 74 million voters I don't suppose 5 million will move them much


    Active Member
    Jan 16, 2021
    The NRA lost it's way 30 years ago,,
    They don't need museums, mega offices OR Wayne L.

    They only needed Principle and members and good leaders. They lost 2 of those in the last ~20 years


    Jun 30, 2020
    I recently joined GOA and SAF because of dissatisfaction with the NRA, but I will maintain my membership with them because of the reason other have mentioned. They are the biggest dog we have in the fight.


    Active Member
    Jan 16, 2021
    Back to the question:
    Will Biden defeat the NRA?? no, the NRA already defeated the NRA, Biden is a day late and dollar short.


    "Part of that Ultra MAGA Crowd"
    MDS Supporter
    Jan 15, 2006
    AA county
    The NRA lost it's way 30 years ago,,
    They don't need museums, mega offices OR Wayne L.

    They only needed Principle and members and good leaders. They lost 2 of those in the last ~20 years

    The museum is way over 30 years old and it's not a matter of "need". Gunrights was just part of it's mission.

    Alea Jacta Est

    Extinguished member
    MDS Supporter
    Wayne DeBaiden

    We need leadership at NRA. The leadership needs courage and integrity....oh, and accountability.

    They don’t know what that is right now at NRA

    Cho BaiDin gonna need to make sure he gets all he can from CCP. Too bad he won’t live to spend it.

    Hunter can though. Whole new twist on hookers n blow, eh?


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Sep 19, 2010
    Baltimore, Maryland
    The NRA is a thorn in the side of the anti-gun movement that irritates the Hell out of them. Why would any pro-2A gunowner want that to go away? Sure, it's got problems but the other gun rights organizations don't have the name recognition of the NRA. If the NRA should fall, the Left will have the victory they have been seeking since the heady days of the GCA of 1968. Do we really want that?


    USMC LLA. NRA Life Member
    May 19, 2011
    Perry Hall
    Given the large Democratic Win in 2020, the Democrats are in the Drivers Seat...

    The Republicans have been kicked to the Back Seats on the Bus...

    Given the Large Left Turn that the Majority of American Voters signed up for, the NRA will honestly not have a voice or a seat at the table...

    Get ready for a very Bumpy Ride, particularly once Biden is RETIRED in 2022...
    The NRA is a thorn in the side of the anti-gun movement that irritates the Hell out of them. Why would any pro-2A gunowner want that to go away? Sure, it's got problems but the other gun rights organizations don't have the name recognition of the NRA. If the NRA should fall, the Left will have the victory they have been seeking since the heady days of the GCA of 1968. Do we really want that?

    Yes, we want that...we need a gun advocacy org that actually fights for the rights of all gun owners...Not ignore the pleas of modern sporting rifles, or 80% builders or bump stock owners or spends donations meant to fight gun control legislation on nice suits...

    The NRA is worried more about their money than helping us...

    There's a reason why there are over 100 million gun owners and only 6 million belong to the NRA...Because they have stopped representing OUR interests and are only representing themselves. I'm a life member and stopped sending them money when Wayne got caught buying suits and tried to buy a big house using donations. I will go back to giving them money when WLP is gone...He knows he's the reason many of us do not trust them and yet refuses to step down for the greater good...That's speaks volumes....and sounds like something a left wing politicians would do...No more denaro until Wayne is not thereo...


    Not Even ONE Indictment
    MDS Supporter
    Feb 24, 2018
    Montgomery County
    Given the large Democratic Win in 2020 ... Given the Large Left Turn that the Majority of American Voters signed up for

    Even ignoring for the moment the incredibly sloppy, unaccountable, and in many cases plainly fraudulent conduct of the election in the tiny number of key D stronghold swing counties that theoretically got Biden the very narrow wins he needed ... look at the bigger picture. There's a REASON the D's remain so unhinged right now. It's because while Nancy was sure she'd strengthen her position in the house, her party lost EVERY contested seat to GOP congresscreatures (including quite a few conservative women, go girls!), and only hung onto her speakership by ONE vote in the house. She didn't gain ground or power, it was dramatically eroded. And the GOP did very well in state houses across the country. And a blowout in the senate? No, a bare squeaker for Chucky, and he's going to have to promise world to a handful of D senators that represent barely-blue areas in order to get them on board for anything really ugly.

    Yes, it's going to an ugly couple of years. But not because the majority of the country signed up for extreme lefty politics. The only reason Biden is in office is because he put on a show of being not that guy, and enough people bought the notion that he'd have the vertebrae to hold them back. Obviously they're going to have to give him the heave-ho asap, which they surely will.

    Yes, the upcoming mid-terms will involve the media/entertainment world and all the usual noisemakers doing their best to resurrect the Ghost Of Trump so they have something to run against. But they won't have anything close to their favorite boogeyman to rile up the low-information D voters this time, and they'll have spent two years dancing around all sorts of crazy lefty policy notions, new floods across the border, China turning back into Godzilla, and more. And they are so sure they're always the population's favorite that they're going to overreach, and be their usual tone-deaf selves, to their own detriment. Don't dismiss their ability to lose in the legislature like they did when a far more popular guy (Obama) squandered two years ramming through the ACA on a 100% partisan basis.

    Even Bernie Sanders is dishing out dire warnings about the Ds getting massacred in 2022.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Sep 19, 2010
    Baltimore, Maryland
    Yes, we want that...

    So let the NRA fold, 6 million registered members, by your numbers, 6% of gunowners, many of whom likely have lifelong family connection with the organization. Have you really looked at the other gun rights organizations membership numbers? Combined, they don't reach even half the NRA number. I don't like what's going on at headquarters - LaPierre needs to go, PERIOD, no question. Do you just throw away their mailers like so many do? Send them back with a note saying Wayne needs to go before you'll contribute again - they'll get the message.

    Go ahead, fold the NRA, the training goes away, the meaningful certifications go away, the connections go away, the organization goes away, the power in numbers base goes away, and the anti-gun Left wins because you will never see a pro-gun organization of that size ever again...Go ahead, let it fold!


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    So let the NRA fold, 6 million registered members, by your numbers, 6% of gunowners, many of whom likely have lifelong family connection with the organization. Have you really looked at the other gun rights organizations membership numbers? Combined, they don't reach even half the NRA number. I don't like what's going on at headquarters - LaPierre needs to go, PERIOD, no question. Do you just throw away their mailers like so many do? Send them back with a note saying Wayne needs to go before you'll contribute again - they'll get the message.

    Go ahead, fold the NRA, the training goes away, the meaningful certifications go away, the connections go away, the organization goes away, the power in numbers base goes away, and the anti-gun Left wins because you will never see a pro-gun organization of that size ever again...Go ahead, let it fold!

    ****Lotta win in the above post. When regular non LEO or non military people ask about getting training to learn how to shoot safely using a system that has educated millions of shooters over the years they are most likely thinking the NRA. The NRA does so much more than just advocacy at the political level. I don't think most people who have been shooting for some time realize just how much the NRA influences the shooting sports in general as well as the legal/advocacy, hunter education, youth education on the safe use of firearms, and a whole slew of other things that help protect the 2nd amendment.

    I'm an NRA instructor, RSO, and help teach the SOP to all of our new members regarding the safe use of firearms, limitations, how to deal with emergencies, and any number of things related to firearms at a private range with perhaps 2000 members now and growing. There has been a tremendous increase in interest for good quality firearm education in our area - an area that is NOT friendly to firearm owners or the 2nd amendment in general. One of the *main* reasons we have probably not been shut down outright at our range is because of the NRA educational classes we provide to demonstrate we take safety and education seriously. I am not aware of any other organization with the name recognition of the NRA for this. Our range has not had an accident in over 60 years with 10's of thousands of members over our history partly because of luck but also very much because of the required education on safety and range rules we have every member go through.

    The NRA provides us with some very valuable teaching resources and literature, Power Point classes and a structured program to teach the fundamentals of pistol, rifle, shotgun shooting, long range shooting, hunting, personal protection in the home, etc.. and everything they provide us is at a very reasonable cost which we pass down to our members and eligible guests. Those of you who haven't seen the new NRA Basic Pistol, Rifle and other training books should take a look at them - they are very nice and the information is solid, timely, and reinforced by certified instructors in the classroom and out on the range.

    Anyway, yes yes WLP has to go, but if the NRA goes it will be a HUGE loss to the firearms community, protection of the 2nd amendment, and many if not all of the smaller organizations out there that do advocacy and legislative actions to help us gun owners will be just that much easier to steam roll over without even slowing down.

    If Biden defeats the NRA, I think it will be a huge loss to our community.

    Just my thoughts on it as a firearms enthusiast, NRA instructor, RSO, and having seen first hand how much just the education and training part of the NRA's mission has helped our private range and the 10's of thousands of people that have been members of it over the years.


    Active Member
    Nov 13, 2020
    I am a life member of the NRA, and we absolutely need it, but it needs to change. Wayne LaPierre needs to go. The current mess is a clear sign of poor leadership. The governing board has way too many members, and rotates members regularly. It is designed to not be able to do anything, keeping LaPierre in power.

    Doco Overboard

    Ultimate Member
    So let the NRA fold, 6 million registered members, by your numbers, 6% of gunowners, many of whom likely have lifelong family connection with the organization. Have you really looked at the other gun rights organizations membership numbers? Combined, they don't reach even half the NRA number. I don't like what's going on at headquarters - LaPierre needs to go, PERIOD, no question. Do you just throw away their mailers like so many do? Send them back with a note saying Wayne needs to go before you'll contribute again - they'll get the message.

    Go ahead, fold the NRA, the training goes away, the meaningful certifications go away, the connections go away, the organization goes away, the power in numbers base goes away, and the anti-gun Left wins because you will never see a pro-gun organization of that size ever again...Go ahead, let it fold!

    ****Lotta win in the above post. When regular non LEO or non military people ask about getting training to learn how to shoot safely using a system that has educated millions of shooters over the years they are most likely thinking the NRA. The NRA does so much more than just advocacy at the political level. I don't think most people who have been shooting for some time realize just how much the NRA influences the shooting sports in general as well as the legal/advocacy, hunter education, youth education on the safe use of firearms, and a whole slew of other things that help protect the 2nd amendment.

    I'm an NRA instructor, RSO, and help teach the SOP to all of our new members regarding the safe use of firearms, limitations, how to deal with emergencies, and any number of things related to firearms at a private range with perhaps 2000 members now and growing. There has been a tremendous increase in interest for good quality firearm education in our area - an area that is NOT friendly to firearm owners or the 2nd amendment in general. One of the *main* reasons we have probably not been shut down outright at our range is because of the NRA educational classes we provide to demonstrate we take safety and education seriously. I am not aware of any other organization with the name recognition of the NRA for this. Our range has not had an accident in over 60 years with 10's of thousands of members over our history partly because of luck but also very much because of the required education on safety and range rules we have every member go through.

    The NRA provides us with some very valuable teaching resources and literature, Power Point classes and a structured program to teach the fundamentals of pistol, rifle, shotgun shooting, long range shooting, hunting, personal protection in the home, etc.. and everything they provide us is at a very reasonable cost which we pass down to our members and eligible guests. Those of you who haven't seen the new NRA Basic Pistol, Rifle and other training books should take a look at them - they are very nice and the information is solid, timely, and reinforced by certified instructors in the classroom and out on the range.

    Anyway, yes yes WLP has to go, but if the NRA goes it will be a HUGE loss to the firearms community, protection of the 2nd amendment, and many if not all of the smaller organizations out there that do advocacy and legislative actions to help us gun owners will be just that much easier to steam roll over without even slowing down.

    If Biden defeats the NRA, I think it will be a huge loss to our community.

    Just my thoughts on it as a firearms enthusiast, NRA instructor, RSO, and having seen first hand how much just the education and training part of the NRA's mission has helped our private range and the 10's of thousands of people that have been members of it over the years.

    I went and looked at two other organizations that are discussed on the forum from time to time about a week ago. Just to see what sort of marksmanship/safety education was available.
    I didn't see any thing that jumped right out at me. Maybe I missed it or didn't look well enough IDK.
    Thanks MaxVo2 for being a RSO and teacher/instructor. Knowing how, makes the why even more well built when it it comes to certain things I think.


    Active Member
    Jan 20, 2021
    I went and looked at two other organizations that are discussed on the forum from time to time about a week ago. Just to see what sort of marksmanship/safety education was available.
    I didn't see any thing that jumped right out at me. Maybe I missed it or didn't look well enough IDK.
    Thanks MaxVo2 for being a RSO and teacher/instructor. Knowing how, makes the why even more well built when it it comes to certain things I think.

    Like others have said, I'm pretty sure some other group will arise for education if the NRA is shut down. The other groups started and focused on 2A probably because the NRA is lacking there, so once a safety education hole is there, some group will fill it. There are tons of responsible gun owners, they're not going to let that fizzle out.
    Right now the NRA has the mass of members, so nobody needs to "compete" with them for something that is pretty easy to replicate.

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