Hi, I have an addiction... A Gunbroker addiction...

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  • Cool_Moo5e

    Active Member
    Sep 4, 2023
    I have a bad case of looking at Gunbroker for guns I already own but wanting older versions of said guns so to fulfill the itch without spending another $350ish on another but older Mosin or SKS let's talk about it, what's your gun broker go to gun when it's up for a price you are happy to pay?

    for me I already have a '53 and a '42 Mosin but see a 1915 with a sporter stock on it and I am so tempted to bid on it but...

    Oh look an Enfield No4 MK1 rifle from the same seller...


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Feb 28, 2011
    Harford County
    Funny you should post this. 5 minutes ago I bid on a Ruger Blackhawk 41 magnum. I already have 1 with a 4 5/8" barrel but this one is 6 1/2". LOL!

    Ammo Jon

    Ultimate Member
    Mar 3, 2008


    Active Member
    Mar 19, 2010
    Harford County
    old classics, especially Winchester levers and model 70's, but I got cured. I got schnooked the last couple time. Pictures don't lie but they don't tell the whole story. What seems like a good deal even on mint guns turns sore when you add in tax, shipping, 3% CC fee on some then 1% GB fee, gotta do the math and sometimes walk away. Lately there's a lot of reports of sellers getting their screen name and feedback hacked, someone using the seller's ID and GB not doing anything about it.


    Active Member
    Sep 4, 2023
    old classics, especially Winchester levers and model 70's, but I got cured. I got schnooked the last couple time. Pictures don't lie but they don't tell the whole story. What seems like a good deal even on mint guns turns sore when you add in tax, shipping, 3% CC fee on some then 1% GB fee, gotta do the math and sometimes walk away. Lately there's a lot of reports of sellers getting their screen name and feedback hacked, someone using the seller's ID and GB not doing anything about it.
    yeah I always do the math and if you don't have a C&R or its too new you gotta add your FFL of choices fee to that over all cost.


    Pissing off Liberals
    Apr 13, 2010
    on 270
    it doesn't help when the guns ive bought have 2x-3x in value. I keep whispering to myself "better than the stock market"


    Dec 12, 2023
    Manheim PA
    I have a bad case of looking at Gunbroker for guns I already own but wanting older versions of said guns so to fulfill the itch without spending another $350ish on another but older Mosin or SKS let's talk about it, what's your gun broker go to gun when it's up for a price you are happy to pay?

    for me I already have a '53 and a '42 Mosin but see a 1915 with a sporter stock on it and I am so tempted to bid on it but...

    Oh look an Enfield No4 MK1 rifle from the same seller...
    Buying a sporterized Mosin is like buying a dog from a puppy mill. Maybe worse because, at least, the dog isn’t defaced. We should discourage this practice; once military rifles are castrated, they can’t be returned to intended config!

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