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  • joppaj

    Staff member
    Apr 11, 2008
    This will sound strange coming from Me , but it's Not ridiculous .

    Read the specs . This ( and the similar S&W X Frame pictured above ) are dedicated Long Range Hunting Guns , of the Hand Cannon / Hand Rifle flavor .

    It weighs 71 oz ! It's very likely to scoped ( with real scope , not a Dot ) ..Use of bi pods or shooting sticks not un common .

    Much more likely to be carried afield with a sling instead of a holster .

    Don't think of it as overgrown Revolver , think of it as a Repeating Contender .
    You are of course correct. It's also correct that it's somewhere on the ugly scale between me and a Cybertruck and that's a short, unpleasant looking scale.

    Cowboy T

    Active Member
    Some people say that about Ruger's Super Redhawk, too. Personally, I think the SRH is a cool looking revolver, in that post-modern-industrial sort of way.

    Same applies to this new Taurus Raging Hunter and the S&W Performance Center hunting revolver. I think they look pretty cool! Would I own one? Personally, no, I wouldn't, because I generally use a rifle for hunting. But for those who do go handgun hunting, it's a good option.

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