What is an H Barrel in Maryland?

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  • MattFinals718

    Active Member
    Nov 23, 2022
    Arlington, VA
    But a particular Brand , Model , or Variant not introduced until 2014 or later is blatantly obvious .

    Likewise , a possessor less than 32 years old is physically impossible to be grandfathered .

    Agree, these would be instances where it would be obvious (assuming that the arresting Statey knows enough - or is good enough at Googling - to figure out that the weapon was made after 2013).

    It's the state's onus to prove wrongdoing. If they can't, then F'em.

    What if it was inherited from a parent?

    Yep, agreed. I'm just trying to think about how far they'd go. But I can definitely imagine it would be more trouble than it's worth.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Jan 8, 2014
    Yep, agreed. I'm just trying to think about how far they'd go. But I can definitely imagine it would be more trouble than it's worth.
    IMHO, none of the 24 State's Attorneys would risk having the AWB thrown out in court by taking such a case to trial.

    Police might seize a "questionable" rifle and force the owner to sue to recover it, in hopes that the 'victim' would not be willing to pay $2,000 and up in legal fees for a $500 to $1500 rifle.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Jan 8, 2014
    What kind of event would put this in motion(other than a law violation)?
    Thousands of scenarios. Depends also on the local County/City. Even if you broke NO laws.

    A) Someone files an ERPO against you, and police come w/ a warrant and take EVERYTHING. You win in the ERPO case, but the local PD keeps all your guns for 6-56 months. For the children.

    B) Car crash on your way home from the range- your car is towed, you're in the ER. Police conduct an inventory search and seize everything- make you sue to get them back.

    C) Divorce- and your ex claims you have evil black guns - police get a warrant on her bogus complaint and take everything (SEE A above)

    Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, B Co, Howard, Frederick, Montgomery, PG Co- in those locations, you might never recover what was seized. Balto City has been infamous for destroying guns "by mistake."


    watdyaknow watdyasee?
    MDS Supporter
    Thousands of scenarios. Depends also on the local County/City. Even if you broke NO laws.

    A) Someone files an ERPO against you, and police come w/ a warrant and take EVERYTHING. You win in the ERPO case, but the local PD keeps all your guns for 6-56 months. For the children.

    B) Car crash on your way home from the range- your car is towed, you're in the ER. Police conduct an inventory search and seize everything- make you sue to get them back.

    C) Divorce- and your ex claims you have evil black guns - police get a warrant on her bogus complaint and take everything (SEE A above)

    Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, B Co, Howard, Frederick, Montgomery, PG Co- in those locations, you might never recover what was seized. Balto City has been infamous for destroying guns "by mistake."
    The only one that might pertain to my question is C), and only if said ex or soon to be, files a report stating that you have a banned weapon. Also, by storing any banned configured rifle in two parts(upper separated from lower), no law has been broken.

    The rest of your examples would happen regardless of what type of gun(s) were at play.

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