I agree for carry leave it stone stock.With respect. With all the horror stories about replacement/upgrade parts for Glocks, why would anyone want to switch out tried true and tested Glock parts? It's like folks need to scratch that upgrade itch.
That reset you feel you only feel when target shooting/practicing. The reset will become 100% invisible if you ever find yourself in a gunfight. And a long reset is their for your safety. And it provides an extra measure of "Do I really want to pull the trigger" while under stress. Instead of a hairish trigger.
Same thing as hunters hating on their 5-6 pound triggers. When Bambi presents itself the thought of that trigger pull is the very last thing that enters the mind. The trigger becomes smooth as butter.
Again. Saying this with respect. Good luck which ever way you go.
Absolutely. I shoot what I like, and train with those modifications. Should I ever (and I pray I NEVER do) have to fire my gun in self defense, certain truths will be present.I, personally, don't think the "stock" trigger argument holds water. It depends on the gun/trigger.
I did this in a poly 80, but just did the flitz on my police turn in G17. I like the G17 just the way it is with the flitz and stock silver doo dad.I use a Ghost 3.5lb connector and do the Glock $.25 trigger job (plenty of Youtube videos). It makes a big difference in the trigger. If you own a Dremel and some metal polish, the whole thing can be done in 15-20 minutes.