Trying to get an appointment for DC to apply for CCW

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  • Epiphany

    Feb 5, 2023
    Make your appointment online - it’s the only way to get one. I had a 1 month wait for the appointment (that was the soonest available) - but when I went in, there was no one else there for CCW.

    Took 4 days to get approval…

    Everyone there was helpful, albeit at government speeds.

    My instructor was DC certified, so my same MD class touched on DC law and shot their requirements as well. I took it in the summer, and didn’t submit til 01/23 with no issues.


    Active Member
    Feb 15, 2012
    Washington, DC
    Make your appointment online - it’s the only way to get one. I had a 1 month wait for the appointment (that was the soonest available) - but when I went in, there was no one else there for CCW.

    Took 4 days to get approval…

    Everyone there was helpful, albeit at government speeds.

    My instructor was DC certified, so my same MD class touched on DC law and shot their requirements as well. I took it in the summer, and didn’t submit til 01/23 with no issues.
    4 days is unbelievable! Congrats. Mine was almost 90.

    Only problem with online appointments is the portal has been down for a few days.


    Ultimate Member
    Dec 11, 2016
    MD training does NOT cover DC law, and the course of fire is different. Find someone that will do the DC law portion.
    I didn't find out until after I was conditionally approved at the end of last year that I needed to take the DC class. I figured the DD214 would have been used in lieu of the training requirement (because they said to submit it), but it's time limited to leaving the military less than 2 years ago. I'm still trying to find time to take that class, but that ship may have sailed by now. It'll be easier to just avoid DC.


    Active Member
    Aug 29, 2023
    rockville, md
    i know this is an old topic, but Gilbert Indoor Range instructor are certified for DC CW. if you take their course they can help you with everything they need


    Ultimate Member
    Aug 2, 2009
    As are the Combined DC/Md/Va classes taught at MSAR by M.H. " Mo" Mosrie . 16hr $300 .

    Say what you will about MSAR as a recreational shooting venue ,but Mo is a good instructor , and former IP here for his own Training company

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