Trying to build a legal rifle

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  • Jan 4, 2024
    Need some guidance here

    Trying to finish off a rifle project from years back

    Questions are on the barrel length and foldable stock vs extendable stocks

    I overstand that the barrel has to be longer than 16 inches with a stock to be called a legal rifle

    I made up my mind that I get a 16 and 20 in hopes that gets me legal on one front

    Can I have a foldable stock on my ar9 with a 16 in barrel or my nato ar with a 20 inch barrel

    Or should I go with the extendable stock as I have seen that sold in stores


    Ultimate Member
    Feb 16, 2009
    MD prohibits you from having more than one of the following on a semi auto, centerfire rifle that can accept a detachable mag: folding stock, grenade/flare launcher, or flash suppressor. You can have a folding stock on a rifle, so long as you don't have one of the other things as well.

    Most people just go with collapsible stocks so they can keep a flash hider or suppressor. If you go with a folding stock, you'll have to use a muzzle brake or bare end/thread protector.

    The 16" barrel length minimum on a rifle is a federal law. Below that and it'll be an SBR and you'll need a tax stamp.

    Mind you MD also has a minimum 29" OAL for rifles/SBRs. OAL is measured the ATF way, end of the stock in full extension and to the end of the barrel. Non-permanent muzzle devices do not count towards overall length.
    Last edited:


    Ultimate Member
    Dec 30, 2020
    Believe you can have either stock type. ARs can't be fired in semiauto mode with folding stock folded, so folding stock on AR doesnt count as an evil feature in MD.

    Any 16"+ AR will meet MD 29" OAL requirement with any stock configuration.


    Deplorable Welder
    MDS Supporter
    Jun 8, 2013
    Underground Bunker
    Though he is lacking in detail, he seems articulate, more articulate than some members who have been here for years.

    What test should someone have to pass to gain accreditation?
    Very valid point, he certainly knows me than I , just always thinking when someone hits the ground running with building. I would think our fine government would love to shut down that sector.

    This is a free and open forum and that is great for all that play along.


    watdyaknow watdyasee?
    MDS Supporter
    Very valid point, he certainly knows me than I , just always thinking when someone hits the ground running with building. I would think our fine government would love to shut down that sector.

    This is a free and open forum and that is great for all that play along.
    Actually, that was what brought me here almost ten years ago. A build question.

    I was really ignorant(some will say I haven't changed) as to the workings of a forum. I was a hot, wet mess.

    (...and I have yet to do an intro...)


    Deplorable Welder
    MDS Supporter
    Jun 8, 2013
    Underground Bunker
    Actually, that was what brought me here almost ten years ago. A build question.

    I was really ignorant(some will say I haven't changed) as to the workings of a forum. I was a hot, wet mess.

    (...and I have yet to do an intro...)
    Yes we all have skin in the game and this place is better because you are here .

    Hopefully see you soon at a food event.


    May 17, 2024
    Very valid point, he certainly knows me than I , just always thinking when someone hits the ground running with building. I would think our fine government would love to shut down that sector.
    I had that problem once. at the end of the day I had to take the federal government to court. It was a day I will never forget......... I am pleased to say that with help from my old woman as my courtroom assistant we won !


    They made this video to use against me...
    Last edited:


    I apologize for hurting your feelings!
    Jan 5, 2022
    1) Is this weapon semi-automatic? If not, it is not banned and you do not need to continue.

    2) If this is a rifle, is it centerfire? If not, then it is not banned and you do not need to continue.

    3) Is this weapon considered to be a copy of a banned weapon? If so, then it is banned and may not be purchased, sold, or transferred.

    4) If this is a semi-automatic centerfire rifle that can accept a detachable magazine, does it have any two of the following: a folding stock; a grenade launcher or flare launcher; or a flash suppressor; If so, then it is banned and may not be purchased, sold, or transferred.

    5) If this is a rifle, does it have a fixed magazine that holds more than 10 rounds? If so, then it is banned and may not be purchased, sold, or transferred.

    6) If this is a rifle, what is the overall length of the weapon? If the stock is fully extended and there are no removable additions to the barrel, is the weapon less than 29 inches? If so, then it is banned and may not be purchased, sold, or transferred.

    7) If this is a semi-automatic shotgun, does the weapon have a revolving cylinder? If so, then it is banned and may not be purchased, sold, or transferred.

    8) If this is a semi-automatic shotgun, does the weapon have a folding stock? If so, then it is banned and may not be purchased, sold, or transferred.


    May 17, 2024
    1) Is this weapon semi-automatic? If not, it is not banned and you do not need to continue.

    2) If this is a rifle, is it centerfire? If not, then it is not banned and you do not need to continue.

    3) Is this weapon considered to be a copy of a banned weapon? If so, then it is banned and may not be purchased, sold, or transferred.

    4) If this is a semi-automatic centerfire rifle that can accept a detachable magazine, does it have any two of the following: a folding stock; a grenade launcher or flare launcher; or a flash suppressor; If so, then it is banned and may not be purchased, sold, or transferred.

    5) If this is a rifle, does it have a fixed magazine that holds more than 10 rounds? If so, then it is banned and may not be purchased, sold, or transferred.

    6) If this is a rifle, what is the overall length of the weapon? If the stock is fully extended and there are no removable additions to the barrel, is the weapon less than 29 inches? If so, then it is banned and may not be purchased, sold, or transferred.

    7) If this is a semi-automatic shotgun, does the weapon have a revolving cylinder? If so, then it is banned and may not be purchased, sold, or transferred.

    8) If this is a semi-automatic shotgun, does the weapon have a folding stock? If so, then it is banned and may not be purchased, sold, or transferred.

    All of your comments may well be 100% correct. The problem is that being correct does not automatically mean that those in power will like what you do. It costs them nothing to force you to take them to court and break you with legal fees in the process. They use this strategy to easily get their way. I call it lawfare.


    I apologize for hurting your feelings!
    Jan 5, 2022
    All of your comments may well be 100% correct. The problem is that being correct does not automatically mean that those in power will like what you do. It costs them nothing to force you to take them to court and break you with legal fees in the process. They use this strategy to easily get their way. I call it lawfare.
    Copied and pasted from here, it’s official guidance.


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