Slip on cheek pad question

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  • remrug

    Ultimate Member
    Mar 13, 2009
    manchester md
    I have a Rem 721 that is the first rifle my Dad bought for me when I was a kid. I shot my first deer with it and many more since. I want to keep it original. The plain Jane stock is too low for my face to get a good cheek weld with a scope. I already have the lowest rings I can use.
    I was thinking of some sort of slip on cheek pads , but thought I would ask you guys before throwing good money away for something that I would regret later.


    When All Else Fails.
    Apr 1, 2013
    Most slip-on cheek pads, in my opinion, are sloppy garbage. They move. They wiggle around. Just a little bit... The very last thing you want is movement when trying to achieve a cheek weld.

    Get yourself a shotgun style cheek riser pad. You can buy them in different thicknesses. They attach via a glue already provided. Peel off the tape and apply.

    I have them on some of my rifles and they work really well.


    MDS Supporter
    Mar 30, 2017
    I have a Rem 721 that is the first rifle my Dad bought for me when I was a kid. I shot my first deer with it and many more since. I want to keep it original. The plain Jane stock is too low for my face to get a good cheek weld with a scope. I already have the lowest rings I can use.
    I was thinking of some sort of slip on cheek pads , but thought I would ask you guys before throwing good money away for something that I would regret later.

    I have a few of these on rifles. Very sturdy, and helpful with different thickness pads to go under the neoprene. They weren’t terribly expensive, and IIRC I got them on Amazon. The pads under the fabric also help eat recoil, so your cheek weld doesn’t feel like a punch in the face. I highly recommend these.


    When All Else Fails.
    Apr 1, 2013

    I have a few of these on rifles. Very sturdy, and helpful with different thickness pads to go under the neoprene. They weren’t terribly expensive, and IIRC I got them on Amazon. The pads under the fabric also help eat recoil, so your cheek weld doesn’t feel like a punch in the face. I highly recommend these.
    That looks like a good solution.

    I tried the velcro strap type. Took it off and round filed it.


    Ultimate Member
    Feb 5, 2007
    ...I tried the velcro strap type. Took it off and round filed it.
    The quality and functionality of these velcro devices are all over the board. Cheap ones are crap and a waste of money and time.

    I've used a lot of Triad stock packs and they work well. Not crazy about the external shell loops, but they can be had without.

    Layers of 1/8" insulating tape can be added under a stock pack to bring it up a little more with decent stability:

    Kick-Ease makes adhesive backed pads in various thicknesses that work very well if you only need up to about 1/4".


    MDS Supporter
    Mar 30, 2017
    The quality and functionality of these velcro devices are all over the board. Cheap ones are crap and a waste of money and time.

    I've used a lot of Triad stock packs and they work well. Not crazy about the external shell loops, but they can be had without.

    Layers of 1/8" insulating tape can be added under a stock pack to bring it up a little more with decent stability:

    Kick-Ease makes adhesive backed pads in various thicknesses that work very well if you only need up to about 1/4".
    The quality and functionality of these velcro devices are all over the board. Cheap ones are crap and a waste of money and time.

    I've used a lot of Triad stock packs and they work well. Not crazy about the external shell loops, but they can be had without.

    Layers of 1/8" insulating tape can be added under a stock pack to bring it up a little more with decent stability:

    Kick-Ease makes adhesive backed pads in various thicknesses that work very well if you only need up to about 1/4".
    I had forgotten to mention that I wasn’t thrilled with the shell loops either. The last time I hunted with my 270, by the time I got to my spot in the woods I only had one of the six shells left, thankfully I still had the one. You can buy them without the shell loops, they are affixed on a patch-like panel that can also be removed.

    Also, be warned: that neoprene is tighter than hell and slipping the fabric over the stock plus the stack of pads was an enormous PITA. It took a few tries and a ton of patience.


    watdyaknow watdyasee?
    MDS Supporter
    Closed cell foam and Gorilla or Goon tape. You can cut it a thick as you want.

    cheek piece.jpg


    MDS Supporter
    Mar 30, 2017
    Closed cell foam and Gorilla or Goon tape. You can cut it a thick as you want.

    View attachment 483307
    Closed cell foam and Gorilla or Goon tape. You can cut it a thick as you want.

    View attachment 483307
    I was planning on going this route as well, but looked for alternatives when I decided I didn’t want to ruin the finish on my stock with sticky tape residue. The tightly rolled-on neoprene seemed to be the best option for me.


    watdyaknow watdyasee?
    MDS Supporter
    I was planning on going this route as well, but looked for alternatives when I decided I didn’t want to ruin the finish on my stock with sticky tape residue. The tightly rolled-on neoprene seemed to be the best option for me.
    There are plenty of tapes out there adequate enough to do the job without pulling finish off a gun stock, especially an oil finished gun stock. Put it on for the gun season, take it off after the season closes.



    Ultimate Member
    I've used electrical tape and pipe insulation, but upgraded to using this combo. I don't use the pads that came with the bear creek, but use the hard foam from tourbon.

    The best (non permanent ) solution I found prior to this was a custom Velcro on leather and foam pad from a company called cheek-n-stock that's no longer around.

    Beartooth Comb Raising Kit 2.0 | Improve Accuracy | Neoprene | Reduce Recoil | Made in USA
    Beartooth Comb Raising Kit 2.0 | Improve Accuracy | Neoprene | Reduce Recoil | Made in USA

    TOURBON Black EVA Foam cheek pad - pack of 3 pieces
    TOURBON Black EVA Foam cheek pad - pack of 3 pieces

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