Shooting Trap door Springfield

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  • Mr Oni

    Military history nut
    Dec 11, 2010
    Brooklyn md.
    I can check tomorrow evening, but I don't know if it would really help. My rifle has the other not-Buffington rear sight and is zeroed at 100 for 405gr and black powder. The odds of your rifle matching up are pretty slim ;)
    You could maybe do some calculations with ratios of your existing height, distance between the sights, distance to target, and existing point of impact...and desired point of impact with the new height as a variable....I'd have to play around to re-figure it out. Surely, someone more practiced can explain :o

    The math will only get you so far, though. Ultimately, you'll need to burn some ammo at the range and file down the new sight little by little...without going too far!

    OR...leave the new sight too tall (which will give you a low point of impact) and sight it in by adjusting the elevation on the rear sight. You will just have to note which reading (which is no longer calibrated) on the rear sight correlates to the actual distance you are shooting.
    got 80 rounds so far so ready to do some sighting.


    C&R Whisperer
    Sep 28, 2007
    Take a look at S&S Firearms catalog. They carry more than a few TD parts, including front sights. And they're always at the upcoming MACA show. So if you're intending on going to the show look for them at the back of the cow palace, that's where they usually set up camp.

    John from MD

    American Patriot
    MDS Supporter
    May 12, 2005
    Socialist State of Maryland
    So I had the Trap door checked out. And went to a gun range. I can't see crap after 50 yards so thats where I was shooting. I have since Read that the Trapdoor is sighted for something insane like 150 - 200 yards. What can I do to hit the darned target? I went through about 30 rounds and had 1 hit at the very top of the target.
    Build up the front sight with JB weld and file to suit. I have done it that way for years and never had a problem.


    Grumpy Old Man
    Jun 22, 2012
    Stick a laser boresighter in the barrel and support the rifle so the laser dot is on the bullseye. Adjust the sights so they are also pointed at the bullseye. Remove the boresighter before test firing. Fine tune it with the ammo you are going to use. You will save enough on ammo to pay for the boresighter.



    Ultimate Member
    Sep 30, 2007
    Central MD
    My buddy used hollow based bullets. They definitely tightened up the group.

    Yup, trapdoor bores are all over the place, the hollow base bullets help with that. I use these but they are currently not in stock.



    Active Member
    Dec 30, 2021
    Hold 2 feet low at 100 yards.

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