SB1 (2023) - Criminal Law - Wearing, Carrying, or Transporting Firearms - Restrictions (Gun Safety Act of 2023)

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  • Tower43

    USMC - 0311
    Jul 6, 2010
    Lusby, MD
    Ok, taking his comment at face value (even though it is stupid to attack lawful gun owners who jump through the BS to get valid permits), where the fvck is any of the other concerns like the actual criminals committing the murders these assholes claim to want combat? At this point, 10 years after the 2013 freedom suppression act, they have introduced zero bills or amendments that target actual criminals. These clowns in Annapolis are accomplices.
    I mean they tried in 2021 and again this year to make charging with a felony under 25 illegal... they're literally fostering and protecting the criminals.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    I mean they tried in 2021 and again this year to make charging with a felony under 25 illegal... they're literally fostering and protecting the criminals.
    Ya know, my fiancee was questioning me about 3 seasons into my The Wire watching marathon. She asked,
    " why are you watching this anyway?" I said to LEARN.

    She said it made her sad. For those who are unfamiliar, The Wire is Hollywood's version of organized theft/drug trafficking, and the multi generational upbringing of common street thugs, drug kingpins, lieutenants, little kid grunts in the drug enterprises in Bodymore.

    I will now need to watch Homicide Life in the Streets for comparison.
    However, Maybe Ivan Bates, Mayor Hairdo, and Gov Less is More, should educate themselves. First with a dictionary and thesaurus so they can learn the definition of DANGEROUS, CRIMINAL, FELON, MURDER/MURDERER, MENACE to SOCIETY and compare those things to LAW ABIDING, CITIZEN, CONTRIBUTOR to SOCIETY.

    Until they know what those things mean, they can never improve the dangerous crime levels we are seeing here in 2023.


    USMC - 0311
    Jul 6, 2010
    Lusby, MD
    Ya know, my fiancee was questioning me about 3 seasons into my The Wire watching marathon. She asked,
    " why are you watching this anyway?" I said to LEARN.

    She said it made her sad. For those who are unfamiliar, The Wire is Hollywood's version of organized theft/drug trafficking, and the multi generational upbringing of common street thugs, drug kingpins, lieutenants, little kid grunts in the drug enterprises in Bodymore.

    I will now need to watch Homicide Life in the Streets for comparison.
    However, Maybe Ivan Bates, Mayor Hairdo, and Gov Less is More, should educate themselves. First with a dictionary and thesaurus so they can learn the definition of DANGEROUS, CRIMINAL, FELON, MURDER/MURDERER, MENACE to SOCIETY and compare those things to LAW ABIDING, CITIZEN, CONTRIBUTOR to SOCIETY.

    Until they know what those things mean, they can never improve the dangerous crime levels we are seeing here in 2023.
    FWIW.. carcetti.... IS Omalley


    Crank in the Third Row
    MDS Supporter
    Oct 3, 2013
    I love this quote:

    “My administration will remain laser-focused on cleaning up the streets of Baltimore and fighting for the residents of this city who are no longer willing to tolerate the level of gun violence we have seen over the past eight years,” Bates said.

    He is blaming Hogan for the failures that the Democrat party own. Nothing has changed to lessen crime. Always the left. Always word vomit. Attack the law abiding and tax us all to hell. That is the Dem way.
    So I guess he's not supporting "Defund the Police" any more?


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    FWIW.. carcetti.... IS Omalley
    ya think?

    and think about so many scenes where the "action" political, education, racial, economic development, actual police work were all driven or brakes put on by the flow of money.

    Spigot on, the fat get fatter, the victims get screweder, and the crimes grew n grew.

    Of course the plots did stop short of the time period that Ed Norris was the City Police Commissioner and not the character he played in the series.

    I may be mistaken, but crime rates, murder rates decreased during his time as Commish.


    MD Wear&Carry Instructor
    MDS Supporter
    Sep 25, 2011
    Outside the Gates
    MOM thought the representation as Carcetti was inaccurate, I thought it was generous. When you are stupid, you don’t know you are stupid.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Mar 27, 2020
    Washington County
    I'm wondering the same thing and have posed it three times and yet to get an answer.

    Unless you're asking about something different, this was addressed in this post:

    Under the passed version, you would need permission from the business or a sign is posted allowing carry.


    Yeah, Sweet Lemonade.
    Oct 22, 2007
    Howard County
    Unless you're asking about something different, this was addressed in this post:

    Under the passed version, you would need permission from the business or a sign is posted allowing carry.
    Okay, so a business is now considered private property and not public property under SB1?

    Not trying to be hard headed.

    Just wanted the specific answer about a business being labeled as public vs. private property instead of the carrying at a Walmart.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Mar 27, 2020
    Washington County
    Okay, so a business is now considered private property and not public property under SB1?

    Not trying to be hard headed.

    Just wanted the specific answer about a business being labeled as public vs. private property instead of the carrying at a Walmart.
    I'm not certain that I'm following. Businesses can be "open to the public", but have never been considered "public property" AFAIK. It's inherent in them being able to "trespass" folks.


    MDS Supporter
    Jun 8, 2013

    Is this explicit in attorney speak?
    2” x 2”?


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Oct 19, 2007
    Bowie, MD
    For someone who embraces the concept of Constitutional freedom (including 1A), that's an unusual position to take, IMO.

    The last time I "lunched" in Annapolis was five years ago.

    And FYI: I'm an OFWG retiree, and therefore an official minority and target living in PG County.

    Oh, and did you perchance attend the Lynching Commemoration Ceremony in Fort Washington? If you did, did you carry?
    Another acronym I'll add to my list once I find out what it means.


    Jun 4, 2013
    I'm not certain that I'm following. Businesses can be "open to the public", but have never been considered "public property" AFAIK. It's inherent in them being able to "trespass" folks.
    A business such as Wal Mart is considered private property that is open to public accommodation


    President, MSI
    Feb 12, 2012
    Enrolled FINAL version of SB1 as enacted by both chambers. Attached.


    • sb0001E.pdf
      460.3 KB · Views: 176


    Jun 4, 2013
    What essentially is going on here is basically a ban on ccw in public EVERYWHERE... if you leave your house your probably intending on going somewhere on the trip. wherever your destination unless you own it having a firearm will be illegal. This is probably the worst carry law in our nations history as it essentially bans public ccw. MD and the other Blue states that have passed these laws have done so in retaliation to SCOTUS.

    SCOTUS did leave sensitive places definition rather vague and I am sure they will have to revisit that in time and will. What these states are doing is labeling everywhere a sensitive place so they can get full public coverage. They do this with the knowledge that they will lose some of these sensitive places in court BUT NOT ALL OF THEM. In the end we will still be worse off than before but I do foresee that public places, restaurants, and places that sell alcohol (while not under the influence) will be overturned. The list of banned locations will still be longer than it was yesterday but not as bad as today. How long this takes or if there will be a TRO issued I cant say but eventually SCOTUS will not and never does allow the states to spit on them.


    Ultimate Member
    Enrolled FINAL version of SB1 as enacted by both chambers. Attached.

    The MD GA has gone full-retard on this law. Basically I can't leave my house carrying unless everyone I run into waves a big sign telling me it's ok. Only good news here is I expect this to get shot down VERY quickly in the courts. They had a chance to pass something that may have been legal. Instead they went NY/NJ and wilfully passed a bill that they KNOW will get shot down in flames. In the end maybe it's better this way. We'll see.


    Ultimate Member
    Aug 2, 2009
    Okay, so a business is now considered private property and not public property under SB1?

    Not trying to be hard headed.

    Just wanted the specific answer about a business being labeled as public vs. private property instead of the carrying at a Walmart.

    Words again :

    Public SPACES
    Private PROPERTY

    Largely two different things . One has to do with the presence or accessibility to the public , the other the actual ownership of the real property in question.

    Private property can be generally open to the public . Public ( government) owned property can be restricted access .

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