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  • usa259

    Active Member
    Mar 11, 2015
    Just made a trip to Fort Walton Beach, FL and back over the weekend and Greentop had a few Winchester W209 primers, they had 5000 less when I left...


    Active Member
    MDS Supporter
    Feb 26, 2011
    Just made a trip to Fort Walton Beach, FL and back over the weekend and Greentop had a few Winchester W209 primers, they had 5000 less when I left...
    Just my own curiosity, how did you feel the overall prices were down there - more/less about the same as here, strictly primers/powder etc..


    Active Member
    Mar 11, 2015
    A little higher than here in general. They have no shortage of customers buying stuff. Last time we went through there my son bought some 12ga target ammo for $9 a box. That's cheaper than PGT&S. It varies; always worth a stop. The W209 primers were slightly more than twice buying the pre-virus/ George Floyd and paying cash at Shydas. They were in limited stock and I'm down to less than a 1000 with no trip planed to PA and unknown stock.


    Ultimate Member
    Dec 30, 2020
    Anyone ever ordered from Republic Ammunition? Tried searching here but didn't find anything.
    Haven't, but they appear to take credit cards, so if you don't get what you ordered you can just dispute the charge and not have to pay. No real risk.

    If during checkout they suddenly say their credit card system isn't working and ask for zello/venmo/cashapp/etc, walk away.


    Ultimate Member
    $360 for 6K or $0.06 each with hazmat and shipping. Anyone want to split an order?


    Ultimate Member
    Jul 19, 2014
    I was able to order 4 packs for around 34 bucks shipped yesterday. I wonder how they were able to get away with a free shipping, no hazmat charge...they haven't shipped my order yet, so hopefully it's not too good to be true.
    My 50 packs were given fedex tracking numbers tonight so I’m getting more optimistic

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