Price limit on your CCW?

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  • outrider58

    watdyaknow watdyasee?
    MDS Supporter
    Hey. We try to screen these people.
    doc holiday 2 guns gif.gif


    Active Member
    No real limit.

    Usually it goes like this...Cost of the handgun. Add a red dot, light, trade out the sights for XS, a good holster and enough ammo and training to ensure reliability, competency and comfortability.

    I guess you can factor in the BUG, which is a 2" .357.

    Damn, I spend alot on my EDC now that I thin about it.


    God loves you, I don't.
    MDS Supporter
    Sep 14, 2010
    Glen Burnie
    No real limit.

    Usually it goes like this...Cost of the handgun. Add a red dot, light, trade out the sights for XS, a good holster and enough ammo and training to ensure reliability, competency and comfortability.

    I guess you can factor in the BUG, which is a 2" .357.

    Damn, I spend alot on my EDC now that I thin about it.
    What's your reason for carrying a back up pistol?


    Ultimate Member
    Aug 2, 2009
    It just hit me that the answer is obvious , and wondering why it took me so long . It's a parallel context to discussing Maryland Legal AR- 15 .

    Just as for rifles , Pistols have a yardstick for price , quality , and value .

    [ Yardstick = Established capabilities , well known , well suited for purpose , decent value for quality and performance. Everything else can be meaningfully compared to it . i.e. gun X is 50 % better costs 25% more = worth a look if you have the $ , 90% as goof for 70% of price = potential budget pick . But 10 % better for double price , etc ]

    The Yard Stick for Defensive Pistols is Glock 19 at Average Retail Price . With a Bell Curve of " normality " of Half the $ to Double the $ .

    Approaching the half on the low end is dependent on catching a screaming deal , or choosing a " simpler design , lesser caliber "

    Double the G19 average retail will cover more good options than you could shake a stick while counting . You could bump up another $100 or 2 without getting ridiculous ( say an upper mid level 1911 ), but be self aware , and sure that the premium features are significant to You .


    God loves you, I don't.
    MDS Supporter
    Sep 14, 2010
    Glen Burnie
    Why? What's wrong with a back up?
    It's hard enough to retain 1 pistol in a fight let alone 2. A back up is bringing a gun for someone else who might want to harm you. How are your fighting skills?
    Why do you need a back up? Are you expecting a catastrophic failure of your carry pistol?
    Do you carry spares of everything else you carry?

    We trained this in my agency and not once have I seen 1 person successfully retain and keep his "back up gun" away from the aggressor. You end up dedicating both hands to protecting each gun and meanwhile your face is getting bashed in.

    Prior LEO? Do you carry under LEOSA or just your MD W&C?


    Apr 11, 2024
    Eastern Shore
    It just hit me that the answer is obvious , and wondering why it took me so long . It's a parallel context to discussing Maryland Legal AR- 15 .

    Just as for rifles , Pistols have a yardstick for price , quality , and value .

    [ Yardstick = Established capabilities , well known , well suited for purpose , decent value for quality and performance. Everything else can be meaningfully compared to it . i.e. gun X is 50 % better costs 25% more = worth a look if you have the $ , 90% as goof for 70% of price = potential budget pick . But 10 % better for double price , etc ]

    The Yard Stick for Defensive Pistols is Glock 19 at Average Retail Price . With a Bell Curve of " normality " of Half the $ to Double the $ .

    Approaching the half on the low end is dependent on catching a screaming deal , or choosing a " simpler design , lesser caliber "

    Double the G19 average retail will cover more good options than you could shake a stick while counting . You could bump up another $100 or 2 without getting ridiculous ( say an upper mid level 1911 ), but be self aware , and sure that the premium features are significant to You .

    What if you blow the curve up with something like a staccato? I paid like 2500 for my cS I carry, plus optic and plate is close to 3k I'd guess. That includes 8 mags.

    My reasoning. I shoot a lot of competitions and like shooting 2011's. I got my first one 10 years ago. Between 1911's and 2011's I've got like 7 of them and have probably shot 50-60k rounds through them easily over the years. Not to mention some unimaginable amount of dryfire with them.

    At some point I decided it just made sense to carry something that is essentially a smaller lighter version of what I shoot all the time. Plus it gives me a back up gun for matches if I'm in a pinch lol. I also figure in the unlikely event I use it to defend myself assuming I survive the encounter I'll probably have bigger things on my mind then getting it back.


    Ultimate Member
    Aug 2, 2009
    It's a semi- free country . You're free to pick up the groceries in your Lamborghini if you want to . If you derive an extra $2K of personal satisfaction , great , go for it , and enjoy .

    But in the context of a discussion of rationally objective price ranges of Carry Guns , you're overpaying by factor of 2 to 3 . If you're defining as compact , double stack . 1911 platform in 9mm .


    Apr 11, 2024
    Eastern Shore
    It's a semi- free country . You're free to pick up the groceries in your Lamborghini if you want to . If you derive an extra $2K of personal satisfaction , great , go for it , and enjoy .

    But in the context of a discussion of rationally objective price ranges of Carry Guns , you're overpaying by factor of 2 to 3 . If you're defining as compact , double stack . 1911 platform in 9mm .

    I'm not sure there is a quality double stack 1911 I'd trust to work right out of the box that's 1/2 to a 1/3 the cost of a staccato. It helps me to justify it in my head when I remember the cost of ammo is really the expensive part not the gun.

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