Price limit on your CCW?

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  • Shooterguy22

    Apr 11, 2024
    Eastern Shore
    I know it all comes down to personal preference, but I’m curious what the general consensus is on whether it not you cap the cost of your carry weapon. Some people cite not wanting to potential lose their guns to the evidence locker after a self defense event.

    For me, I’m indifferent to cost. I don’t want to limit myself from carrying a great weapon (to me) just because I’m worried I might lose that $1,500. On the other hand, I’d like to carry the weapon I feel most confident and comfortable with.

    Thanks for your thoughts!

    I pretty much think like you do. I carry what I want, and generally I want something I shoot well and is similar to what I play with when I'm at the range. If I use my gun in self defense I'm likely going to have bigger things to worry about then getting a new EDC. Plus, I think USCCA covers the cost of replacing your gun if it's not returned to you.

    I currently carry a Staccato.


    May 23, 2024
    Mark I agree with you. Even in the martial arts, champions may not be the best instructors but instructors who may not be the best competitors can be the best instructors.
    I concur, also. You can understand the concepts of something exceptionally well but not be able to act on them as well as others. This might be more the case with athletes than shooters, but who knows for sure?


    May 23, 2024
    Back to the original subject. Your carry is just a tool like the forks in your kitchen drawer and my EDC knife vs some special knives that don’t get carried every day.

    A used P365 fits the bill for me.
    I’ll use a metaphor from my other hobby. If you take an exceptionally gifted guitarist like Eric Clapton or John Mayer and give them an average guitar they will be able to make amazing music. They can do that with anything. You take an average player like me and give me the option of an average guitar that gets the lon job done and one more fancy that inspires me to play more and you can bet that the music I play with the latter will be more pleasing for others to hear.


    watdyaknow watdyasee?
    MDS Supporter
    Just to try and put things into proper perspective; teaching and shooting are two completely different skill sets. One has little to do with the other.

    I have a brother who is an exceptional artist. He's a wildlife illustrator. Being only a year younger than he, I know for a fact that he was a better artist/painter than any of his teachers, yet through their teaching, he improved and refined his skills.

    Let's get back to carry guns. Or maybe we're done with that.


    My hair is amazing
    MDS Supporter
    Patriot Picket
    Jan 22, 2009
    Bel Air/Ellicott City
    A carry gun needs to be a reliable gun upon which you have trained regularly. Fancy triggers, elaborate safeties, extreme tolerances that require excessive oiling or guns that you don't want to get rub marks upon wouldn't be my first option.

    A nice simple Glock fits all the needs for me. It's a combat weapon. It should be clean and oiled... but it'll still work even if it's not. They are reliable, they are accurate enough for a pistol. It's inexpensive enough that it can be replaced quite easily if it's ever seized as evidence. They make multiple calibers and multiple frame sizes that all function the same way.
    I carry either a P365 or VP9. They get shot pretty much every range trip (very seldom lately, probably going with the wife tomorrow). Both have aftermarket triggers/polished innards. Triggers make. Me happy.
    Aint this the truth! My daughter has had wrestling coaches the were Olympians, NCAA champs, this title, that title. Only one was a good coach. Sure they were masters in their sport but could not teach. The 2 best coaches she has had had were "lowly" high school coaches. One is now a NCAA D3 coach. Point is doing and teaching are 2 different things. Another one of the best of them does it out the of the love for the sport and gets no pay.
    Teaching is an art.


    Ultimate Member
    Aug 2, 2009
    I concur, also. You can understand the concepts of something exceptionally well but not be able to act on them as well as others. This might be more the case with athletes than shooters, but who knows for sure?

    Good Instructor- Knows Technique , can reasonably well teach said technique

    Better Instructor - Keep teach reasonably well , add Knows multiple techniques

    Very Good Instructor - Keep teach reasonably well , and Knows multiple techniques, and Add Be able to diagnose student's technique


    Ultimate Member
    Jun 1, 2018
    I carry either a P365 or VP9. They get shot pretty much every range trip (very seldom lately, probably going with the wife tomorrow). Both have aftermarket triggers/polished innards. Triggers make. Me happy.
    Well... you're wrong and I'm right! :D

    VP9 is a sharp looking gun, but it's awful big. I carried a full size Beretta for several years, then a full size G22 for several more. I'm getting too old and lazy for those big guns anymore!


    My hair is amazing
    MDS Supporter
    Patriot Picket
    Jan 22, 2009
    Bel Air/Ellicott City
    Well... you're wrong and I'm right! :D

    VP9 is a sharp looking gun, but it's awful big. I carried a full size Beretta for several years, then a full size G22 for several more. I'm getting too old and lazy for those big guns anymore!

    VP9 is fine in an OWB Galco Combat Master under a sweatshirt in winter. I usually carry the P365. I have an x-macro grip module and slide. I need to get that out to the range.

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