Powder coating

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  • guzma393

    Active Member
    Jan 15, 2020
    Severn, MD
    If I am not wrong, some times I am, my wife tell me all the time, BUT don't the bullets need to be on a metal plate to carry that negative charge? So I need a mini spray booth, static charge plates that will need to be cleaned, or replaced.

    I'm seeing this as a mess and something I am not sure I want. I did better heating the bullets to 150 or so and they probably cooled to 120 by the time they got downstairs. Mixed in a 55% humidity and they coated.

    I am more interested in if the 250° bullet held more hardness and how they differ in hardness and shoot-ability. How many days/weeks do I need to wait before filing and checking them?
    The general consensus is around 2 weeks to wait for hardness.


    Beware of Dog
    MDS Supporter
    Mar 16, 2013
    AA Co
    In reference to Guzma's comments about a thin coating and my experience with PC and hi tek, have you tried/considered hi tek for those boolits that you need to maintain a thin coating on so as not to enlarge the ogive too much?

    I have spent years doing both and I find that the hi tek is much thinner and just as effective as powder coat. I do dry tumble PC, but as you are discussing, humidity is your enemy and in the warmer months, it can be tough. I just coated about 150 225gr 310 casts last night and finished them this evening.. It was humid, not a big deal for hi tek and I did two coats last night and another today just to make em a bit purtier lol.

    The coats are super thin and it takes a couple to get a decent coating on most of the casts that I coat. I use the one part epoxy that is mixed with acetone and baked in an oven just like PC, for about 15mins at 380-390F. Let em cool, recoat, bake again and viola... It's a pretty simple process. Hammer test is no issue at all.





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