Powder Available Thread

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  • 85MikeTPI

    Ultimate Member
    Jul 19, 2014
    Midwest Powder (rifle) available in 8lb jugs from American Reloading, each mostly $210 to your door

    MP 637 Smokeless Rifle Powder - 8 Lbs

    MP 638 Smokeless Rifle Powder - 8 Lbs

    MP 639 Smokeless Rifle Powder - 8 Lbs

    MP 651 Smokeless Rifle Powder- 8 Lbs

    MP 668 Smokeless Rifle Powder - 8 Lbs

    MP 669 Smokeless Rifle Powder - 8 Lbs



    Ultimate Member
    Jul 19, 2014
    Just picked up a jug of TAC from Shyda's. Supplies of available powder are deep, but not wide. Website seems to still be current for anyone making a trip up and web-orders can be made to hold items until you get there.


    Guns 'n Drums
    MDS Supporter
    Jul 22, 2008
    Glen Burnie
    Just picked up a jug of TAC from Shyda's. Supplies of available powder are deep, but not wide. Website seems to still be current for anyone making a trip up and web-orders can be made to hold items until you get there.
    I was just at Shyda's on Saturday. At some point I'll have to replenish my stocks to reload for AR, but I'm ok for the moment. I saw that TAC there and was tempted, (I kinda like it for AR) but I already dumped a considerable amount of dough on my trap loading supplies, so I figured that for now, discretion was the better part of valor.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Dec 27, 2012
    I was just at Shyda's on Saturday. At some point I'll have to replenish my stocks to reload for AR, but I'm ok for the moment. I saw that TAC there and was tempted, (I kinda like it for AR) but I already dumped a considerable amount of dough on my trap loading supplies, so I figured that for now, discretion was the better part of valor.
    How much were primers?

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