Police officer dead after being shot in Northeast DC

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  • babalou

    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Aug 12, 2013
    Yes. That lesson was previously known.

    My experience is that lessons learned are shared by those small groups that have national organizations. Bomb Techs share a lot of info because the FBI runs the program for the country. Negotiators seem to share well because a lot of them attend the same training. I think lessons learned at the street level don't get shared nearly so effectively.
    that makes perfect sense and probably only occurs when officers have friends in other precincts. Word of mouth.

    John from MD

    American Patriot
    MDS Supporter
    May 12, 2005
    Socialist State of Maryland

    D.C. officer used metal device to reach gun in drain when it discharged, officials say​

    Wayne David was fatally shot when a gun he was trying to retrieve “went off.” Officials say he was trying to reach it with a device used to unlock cars.

    Sounds like he was using a "slim jim" . It was a flat rod with hooked ends that we used to use for opening car doors. :sad20:


    Ultimate Member
    Aug 17, 2011
    Sounds like he was using a "slim jim" . It was a flat rod with hooked ends that we used to use for opening car doors. :sad20:
    Haven't seen one in years, these days most use the Big Easy or similar.


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    John from MD

    American Patriot
    MDS Supporter
    May 12, 2005
    Socialist State of Maryland
    We would do it at my old department but won't at my new department. (Unless it's one of our vehicles. LOL)
    One year I was in Oklahoma City with a Joint Task Force. We were using rental cars to get around and to do surveillance. I was watching an aircraft that we had under surveillance when I left the vehicle to check on some movement. I left it running as the temp was in the 20's. When I came back, I tried to open the door and it was locked.

    So, I walked all the way to the other side of the airport and got hold of a Sheriffs Deputy and explained my problem. He said no way could he open the door not even for a LEO!

    He said a couple of years prior, a woman came in asking for help to open her Mercedes which she had locked the keys in. They opened it and the next day someone flew in and couldn't find their car. The checked the video of the parking lot and found a couple of cops opening up the Mercedes door for the woman "owner". :lol:

    I wound up having to call AAA who came over and opened the vehicle after verifying it was indeed leased to me.


    Ultimate Member
    Aug 17, 2011
    One year I was in Oklahoma City with a Joint Task Force. We were using rental cars to get around and to do surveillance. I was watching an aircraft that we had under surveillance when I left the vehicle to check on some movement. I left it running as the temp was in the 20's. When I came back, I tried to open the door and it was locked.

    So, I walked all the way to the other side of the airport and got hold of a Sheriffs Deputy and explained my problem. He said no way could he open the door not even for a LEO!

    He said a couple of years prior, a woman came in asking for help to open her Mercedes which she had locked the keys in. They opened it and the next day someone flew in and couldn't find their car. The checked the video of the parking lot and found a couple of cops opening up the Mercedes door for the woman "owner". :lol:

    I wound up having to call AAA who came over and opened the vehicle after verifying it was indeed leased to me.
    We always verified the requesting individual as the owner through a registration check first and wouldn't do it if they didn't match. A lot of spouses would get pissed when they locked the keys in their husband's/wife's car when their name wasn't on the registration. We also got a fair amount of flagged registrations because the owner didn't realize we would check first.

    Well, I've got good news and bad news. I can open your vehicle for you but, there's a pick-up order on your tags so you won't be driving it anyway.

    John from MD

    American Patriot
    MDS Supporter
    May 12, 2005
    Socialist State of Maryland
    We always verified the requesting individual as the owner through a registration check first and wouldn't do it if they didn't match. A lot of spouses would get pissed when they locked the keys in their husband's/wife's car when their name wasn't on the registration. We also got a fair amount of flagged registrations because the owner didn't realize we would check first.

    Well, I've got good news and bad news. I can open your vehicle for you but, there's a pick-up order on your tags so you won't be driving it anyway.


    Ultimate Member
    Jan 14, 2013
    Urbana, Md.
    Had he been a hunter, he might still be alive(assuming he hooked the trigger guard with a tool).
    Yea, maybe even prior combat arms military.

    Last part of any firearm, munition, or explosive I assume is not going to kill me is the triggering device, assume live until YOU prove otherwise.


    Ultimate Member
    Jan 14, 2013
    Urbana, Md.
    It is, but we all know what could happen when we raise our right hands. He died doing what he dedicated his life to, helping people. I'd rather go out that way than hooked up to some fluids in a nursing home any day.
    Been thinking about that more often as I see old friends and family wither away, and sometimes not that gracefully.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Jan 8, 2014
    So I was talking to a BCPD friend about this. I'd have thought local PDs would share OE and lessons learned. Not a peep.
    Nope. They haven't learned from the way the military and fire service share "lessons learned."

    John from MD

    American Patriot
    MDS Supporter
    May 12, 2005
    Socialist State of Maryland

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