NYC CCW case is at SCOTUS!

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  • Apd09

    Ultimate Member
    May 30, 2013
    Westminster, MD
    He is definitely wrong about the mustache. It does not give him the ability to fly an F/18 at Mach 1.8, nor does it give him the power to deny gun owners their right.


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    Throbbing Member
    MDS Supporter
    Apr 26, 2012
    I picture him doing about 50 MPH on a bi-wing plane with a scarf with that mustache of his.

    Now if we can get FSA 2013 overturned, we’ll be on our way (but not quite all the way) to restoring our rights.
    This opinion opened that door BIGLY.


    MDS Supporter
    Jun 8, 2013
    We'll have to ask him over the next beer won't we?
    Yes, he is a fun guy to hang out with!
    I think I have a picture of that signing. It was a blurry picture so I never posted, that room was fairly dark.
    My pics turned out poorly as well.

    I think some of you think people from out of state are here “trolling” you guys but really we are not.

    Some of us just cannot fathom how you live in a state that subverts the Constitution so blatantly, so yes I myself use some harsh terms……because it is that important of an issue.

    And I’m not wrong about the bowing down and running, I witnessed friend after friend of my fathers coming over our house in the late 1980’s in Baltimore County telling him how “we’re moving to Harford County, Carrol County, WV, VA, PA” you name it………it happened and happened A LOT. Gun culture went bye bye in MD.

    Not trolling, lived it.

    It’s great you guys are now shall issue. A lot of work to be done with the gun culture issue in general.
    Good point, the front lines are not for everyone! However, there’s always a need for people to stay by the safety their keyboards far from the dirty work. Reminds me of one of the best quotes this year “I don’t need a ride, I need ammo!” - Zelenskyy

    I would like to see the training requirements shortened or done away with.

    Worth a Crap sent out an email with their class dates, if you can sift through their lies they actually allow you to fill out the application there and check for flags for you. But they do not deserve your $


    Ultimate Member
    Patriot Picket
    Jan 23, 2013
    The AG has not said anything publicly about this as of yet. Usually there’s a press release from his office, or even a tweet. Here, however, nothing.


    Ultimate Member
    May 30, 2013
    Westminster, MD
    I noted this talking to a friend yesterday. Normally he would be out screaming by now.

    Remember when everyone decried Trump for not making a concession speech?
    Frosh is doing the same thing, not willing to admit it’s over and is still pouring through law books trying to find any glimmer of hope.

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    Ultimate Member
    Aug 29, 2021
    That is raising my suspicion as well, too quiet.
    I would not expect a statement if it's true what I've heard, that it's personal for the AG. Most people will never admit that they have been wrong their entire life.

    MDSP will quietly comply. I suspect, as some other ppl, they will also quietly not call references or employers too. To do so risks a major lawsuit. Its better for now to keep up appearances by requiring references and employment (but not calling) than having a court smack their pee-pee over it.


    Ultimate Member
    Oct 13, 2008
    Elkton, MD
    I have read many posts from people in the past few days (FB, MDS, and other Forums) saying they will not apply for a MD permit because of the references and employer/supervisor information.

    If you are scared of your employer, are you a free man/woman?

    Everyone else can live a flamboyant life and be proud of who they are, but gun owners have to stay in the closet?

    F that.


    Ultimate Member
    Dec 4, 2009
    I have read many posts from people in the past few days (FB, MDS, and other Forums) saying they will not apply for a MD permit because of the references and employer/supervisor information.

    If you are scared of your employer, are you a free man/woman?

    Everyone else can live a flamboyant life and be proud of who they are, but gun owners have to stay in the closet?

    F that.

    Can we get another zoom call with Sgt.Pickle to confirm, to put folks’ concerns to rest?
    Last edited:


    Ultimate Member
    May 30, 2013
    Westminster, MD
    I have read many posts from people in the past few days (FB, MDS, and other Forums) saying they will not apply for a MD permit because of the references and employer/supervisor information.

    If you are scared of your employer, are you a free man/woman?

    Everyone else can live a flamboyant life and be proud of who they are, but gun owners have to stay in the closet?

    F that.

    My work had clients in for a visit last year. As I was getting to know the 2 people it turned out they both enjoyed shooting. I told them about Guntry which was right around the corner from their hotel.
    They said they’d love to go. So I talked with the owners and senior leadership of work to get them to sign off on me taking them. They all said have fun and be sure to expense it, we’ll pay.

    So I don’t think I’ll have a problem putting down my work or even if they call.

    I’d also believe though it would he like any HR employment check, do you have someone named XXX that works there? Have they worked there from XXX to XXX?

    Thank you. Have a nice day.

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    SWO Daddy

    Ultimate Member
    Jun 18, 2011
    I have read many posts from people in the past few days (FB, MDS, and other Forums) saying they will not apply for a MD permit because of the references and employer/supervisor information.

    If you are scared of your employer, are you a free man/woman?

    Everyone else can live a flamboyant life and be proud of who they are, but gun owners have to stay in the closet?

    F that.

    It's subjective and has no business being on the application except to harrass folks.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Jun 29, 2013
    Anne Arundel County
    If you are scared of your employer, are you a free man/woman?
    Certainly. We're free to have our houses foreclosed upon and free to starve.
    Actually, in my case my boss spent much of his prior career wearing a green suit at Ft. Bragg. He'd probably be indignant I hadn't applied sooner.

    But calling your spouse? What is someone supposed to do if if their spouse has become a raging anti over the years? And someone saying "divorce" probably hasn't checked the price tag on that lately.


    Ultimate Member
    Aug 2, 2009
    But calling your spouse? What is someone supposed to do if if their spouse has become a raging anti over the years? And someone saying "divorce" probably hasn't checked the price tag on that lately.

    That will be the last part to remain , after all the other Refrences , neighbors , and Employers have gone away .

    Call me harsh , but I can't comprehend an anti-gun / anti- hunting spouse problem . The issue would have been resolved at the anti-gun girlfriend level . Not a joke , that's a sign of major systemic incompatibility right there .

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