MSP Licensing Division report to Legislature 1/25/2023

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  • dblas

    Past President, MSI
    MDS Supporter
    Apr 6, 2011
    I have a good friend that works Licensing Division (I won't say where). He stated that MSP doesn't receive a nickel from the permit application fee. Says it all goes into the General Fund.
    This has always been the case, same with the HQL, and 77R.

    Now, whether that General Fund pays for the additional hires, who knows.
    The general fund is what the budget comes out of, unless there are specific "lock boxes" that generate money for those departments (i.e. transportation), then part of the budget for that department comes from that "lock box"


    Ultimate Member
    Jun 23, 2015
    I have a good friend that works Licensing Division (I won't say where). He stated that MSP doesn't receive a nickel from the permit application fee. Says it all goes into the General Fund.

    Now, whether that General Fund pays for the additional hires, who knows.
    The majority of agencies, state and federal, that is true.

    Only in a few instances where there are fee based systems where law or regulation require that they be support by the fees is that usually not the case. But those the fees are often floating and change year to year. Because they aren't supposed to collect extra revenue. For example, a commercial system for banks to access taxpayer records at the IRS would generally be fee based, but the fee would be set at the actual cost to maintain and operate the system.


    Ultimate Member
    Jun 23, 2015
    Doesn't really matter. Same pants, different pockets.
    More like same family. Just because Mom and Dad get the money, doesn't mean junior gets it and can spend it. It does make a difference to on incentives. Just look at a lot of small town police departments that DO keep traffic fines. They have a direct incentive to collect as many of those fines as they possibly can.

    Licensing is maybe not the same way on the incentives, but where the funds end up going does matter a lot.


    SOmething Witty
    Jul 29, 2020
    Deep Blue MD
    In the case of MoCo, I'm wondering how many folks that would have otherwise applied for a permit were dissuaded when MoCo bill 21-22 was rolled out in July or are now taking a "wait and see" attitude with everything that transpired with it since. I suspect it's essentially the additive effect of multiple causes keeping the % as low as it is there, though.
    I havent applied yet and I am not in Monkey County I am waiting till the MGA shit show is over and smacked down by the courts. Until them the constitution will suffice as my permission slip

    Bob A

    όυ φροντισ
    MDS Supporter
    Patriot Picket
    Nov 11, 2009
    Takoma Park/Silver Spring
    I have a good friend that works Licensing Division (I won't say where). He stated that MSP doesn't receive a nickel from the permit application fee. Says it all goes into the General Fund.

    Now, whether that General Fund pays for the additional hires, who knows.

    In 2022 alone, Maryland received something like $13,880,000 in fees for 77r transfers, W&C and HQL permits. Oppressing the citizenry can be both fun and profitable!

    But on the bright side, there's no longer any poll tax for exercising the right to vote. Good thing, because all those extra fraudulent ballots would cost the Democrats a fair hunk of change.

    Bob A

    όυ φροντισ
    MDS Supporter
    Patriot Picket
    Nov 11, 2009
    Takoma Park/Silver Spring
    Here’s a link to the video of the briefing.

    MSP Judiciary Committee Briefing Video 1/25/23
    It's interesting to hear the questions about the HQL and CCW by the legislators. It's apparent that they have no idea what it is that they passed.

    It was amusing to hear a legislator inquire about whether "continuing education" beyond the required 4 hrs was required for the HQL; I can't fathom just what that CE would consist of.


    Active Member
    Oct 3, 2013
    Yeah I just passed a chain gang on 140 and Malcom Drive.

    Stay away if you know what’s good for you
    Of course, in case you get rabbit in your blood and you decide to take off for home, you get a bonus of some time and a set of leg chains to keep you slowed down just a little bit, for your own good.

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