MSI SB 1 law guide

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  • chilipeppermaniac

    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    You sat next to me(at least for a little while). :lol2:

    That kind of crowd, I get along with just fine.

    ETA: I just looked at the pics. You were on the other side of Threeband, who was sitting on my left. He had to leave early so you were next to me and we talked a good bit.
    UMM LOL duh I did. Sorry for when my brain goes to mush. Having to have increase my office type work and legal stuff and health care stuff for my mom before and after her death has killed my memory some.

    I got up to use the head at Essen and lost my seat LOL That's right.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    You sat next to me(at least for a little while). :lol2:

    That kind of crowd, I get along with just fine.

    ETA: I just looked at the pics. You were on the other side of Threeband, who was sitting on my left. He had to leave early so you were next to me and we talked a good bit.
    Oh yeah, so it was Threeband who sat in my original seat.

    I like his posts in the threads, I wish he could have stayed longer too.
    I am glad you did choose to come.


    Confederate Jew
    MDS Supporter
    You sat next to me(at least for a little while). :lol2:

    That kind of crowd, I get along with just fine.

    ETA: I just looked at the pics. You were on the other side of Threeband, who was sitting on my left. He had to leave early so you were next to me and we talked a good bit.
    Hopefully Essen Room doesn't start selling booze, or you can't go, or if you do you'll have to rely on the good will of your fellow man, and the forbearance of reptiles


    watdyaknow watdyasee?
    MDS Supporter
    Hopefully Essen Room doesn't start selling booze, or you can't go, or if you do you'll have to rely on the good will of your fellow man, and the forbearance of reptiles
    Like I said previously, if there's booze, I will probably be partaking. If I wasn't, it's better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. The only way anyone will know is if some malfeasance occurs. It won't be me, I assure you.


    watdyaknow watdyasee?
    MDS Supporter
    UMM LOL duh I did. Sorry for when my brain goes to mush. Having to have increase my office type work and legal stuff and health care stuff for my mom before and after her death has killed my memory some.

    I got up to use the head at Essen and lost my seat LOL That's right.
    No worries. I know you had had a lot to deal with recently. I was happy to see you could make it.

    Michael S

    Active Member
    Nov 6, 2012
    Ok the way I read this. I live across the street from a park with a baseball field. They have games almost every evening come spring. Also we always have many dog walkers there during the day. I am less the 100 feet from the park. So as I read this, I cannot leave my house if people are there. Or can I not leave my house just because it is a park were people may meet. Either way if we can sue them for infringing on my rights I also want my money back for classes, fingerprints and fees. For me and my wife.


    Throw bread on me
    Mar 13, 2013
    White Marsh, MD
    Ok the way I read this. I live across the street from a park with a baseball field. They have games almost every evening come spring. Also we always have many dog walkers there during the day. I am less the 100 feet from the park. So as I read this, I cannot leave my house if people are there. Or can I not leave my house just because it is a park were people may meet. Either way if we can sue them for infringing on my rights I also want my money back for classes, fingerprints and fees. For me and my wife.
    You're not reading it then


    Past President, MSI
    MDS Supporter
    Apr 6, 2011

    I am not clear as to what this caveat refers to.

    Does not:

    -Affect permits retroactively. Only applies from 10/1/2023 onward to new applications and renewals.
    New training requirement are not retroactive and only apply to new permits starting Oct 1, 2023.
    Last edited:


    Past President, MSI
    MDS Supporter
    Apr 6, 2011
    Ok so what does this last line mean? They must be figuring some parts will be shot down.

    ”A severability clause in the bill protects the law as a whole should any part of it be struck as unconstitutional”
    Standard legislative speak.

    If one part is struck down, the rest of the law stays in affect.


    Past President, MSI
    MDS Supporter
    Apr 6, 2011
    “-any private property location which is posted conspicuously or after being notified by the owner or owner’s agent that the wearing, carrying, or transporting a firearm is prohibited on the property. “

    Would a no guns sign at, say, Whole Foods have the force of law?
    If this law passes, yes.


    Past President, MSI
    MDS Supporter
    Apr 6, 2011
    Ok the way I read this. I live across the street from a park with a baseball field. They have games almost every evening come spring. Also we always have many dog walkers there during the day. I am less the 100 feet from the park. So as I read this, I cannot leave my house if people are there. Or can I not leave my house just because it is a park were people may meet. Either way if we can sue them for infringing on my rights I also want my money back for classes, fingerprints and fees. For me and my wife.
    100 foot rule is gone, you would have to be on park property to violate the law. Also, exemption still exists for being on your own property.


    Past President, MSI
    MDS Supporter
    Apr 6, 2011

    as I read it the law don’t affect preexisting permits just new or renewals after 10/1/23.​

    Does not:

    -Affect permits retroactively. Only applies from 10/1/2023 onward to new applications and renewals.

    So looks like Open carry goes away too..
    Open carry goes away, yes.
    The part of the law that does not affect pre Oct 1, 2013 permit holders are the changes to training, not the entirety of the laws changed.


    Past President, MSI
    MDS Supporter
    Apr 6, 2011
    Just a few questions on the efficacy of these or any new LAWS.
    What is it that is in our Prisons and Jails?

    Ok question 2.
    WHY are they called Criminals?

    Because they don't obey the LAWS and get CAUGHT and SENTENCED.

    Question 3.

    Do Criminals Obey Laws?

    NO, that is why they call them criminals.

    Question 4.

    Since all these laws are supposed to improve things and hence is the reason for them in the first place ( according to the Libs and MOMS etc.
    If 1000000000000000000000000000000 new laws get passed making guns, drugs, murder, car jacking, SQUEEGEEING illegal, will jails and prisons still exist?

    NO, because laws. Dontcha know
    They aren't meant to prevent any further crime, this bill and associated laws are meant to keep more lawfully carried firearms off the street.

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