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  • chilipeppermaniac

    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Not at all. It was my personal observations that, that was where the illegals gained a foothold. I large part of the cost of granite tops was labor and there was a huge demand for affordable stone countertops. Enter the Hispanics...

    Now don't get me wrong. I had a huge respect for those who would leave their country in order to better themselves... in the beginning. What we have now is not that.
    This is what I thought and same in the next post of yours.


    Ultimate Member
    Dec 8, 2005
    Unfortunately, one of the side affects of cheap labor was young Americans were no longer hired because you could hire three illegals at the same rate as one legitimate employee. The small-time contractors became the training grounds for illegals and not US citizens. That's why we are where we are today.

    Sure, I was safe, but people like me were the exception to the rule. Our wages still suffered though.
    I concur
    Mexicans are spreading out with services like landscaping and tree trimming. I have had two crews show up soliciting at the door.

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