Lee Pro 4000 Press Issue

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  • gungate

    NRA Patron Member
    Apr 5, 2012
    Damascus. MD
    I am finally getting around to setting up my 4000 pro press. I am running a few blank 45 LC brass through just to test the process and seems I frequently have to guide the brass into the press. Especially the sizing die and bullet seating die. I haven't tried this with a bullet so I suspect the bullet die will probably work itself out when I have a bullet on it. But the sizing die is kind of annoying. Any advice?


    Active Member
    Jan 15, 2020
    Severn, MD
    Does the toolhead seem misaligned from the shellplate? If so, you may have a misaligned toolhead, which is easily fixed. By loosening the bolts of the toolhead with the dies in it, bring in 4 cases to engage the dies, hold the downstroke and tighten down the bolts to secure in that position of the toolhead. Check this video out:



    NRA Patron Member
    Apr 5, 2012
    Damascus. MD
    Do you guys typically inspect each case before loading it in your press? I just cleaned 300 45 Colt and noted 1 or 2 have a walnut husk piece in them still. I vibrate cleaned them for 3 hours over 2 days and then tumbled them for 1/2 an hour. Not sure what else I can do besides inspect each case.


    Active Member
    Apr 21, 2014
    Fullerton md
    Pretty much yes, I grab the tumbled cases and go through them looking for media in the flashhole and poke it out with dendist pick while giving cases a last look before charging and seating bullet.

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