Jim Justice....dirtbag?

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  • outrider58

    watdyaknow watdyasee?
    MDS Supporter
    There's no way that a wealthy family with lots of businesses, including a family member (this one!) who is the governor of a state, isn't having CPAs do the books. This notion that Jim Justice is sitting around with Baby Dog figuring out how to skim a few dollars from someone's health insurance and personally handling the check writing is a joke. It's right up there with the utter nonsense the Biden administration set that NY court to pursue, claiming that Trump's bookkeeper was taking his conspiratorial orders on how a bill from his lawyer was entered into a ledger. There's always more to these stories, but the muck rakers safely assume their audience thinks that the people at the top of multiple large enterprises sit around the kitchen table doing their taxes with a bottle of White Out and doing their books in Lotus 1 2 3, twirling their mustaches as they plot penny ante shenanigans. The stories are written for, and to manipulate the opinions and voting behavior of low information people. What a shame that low information people are such a big part of our nation's industrial output.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Jan 8, 2014


    MDS Supporter
    Aug 14, 2007
    Mt Airy
    There's no way that a wealthy family with lots of businesses, including a family member (this one!) who is the governor of a state, isn't having CPAs do the books. This notion that Jim Justice is sitting around with Baby Dog figuring out how to skim a few dollars from someone's health insurance and personally handling the check writing is a joke. It's right up there with the utter nonsense the Biden administration set that NY court to pursue, claiming that Trump's bookkeeper was taking his conspiratorial orders on how a bill from his lawyer was entered into a ledger. There's always more to these stories, but the muck rakers safely assume their audience thinks that the people at the top of multiple large enterprises sit around the kitchen table doing their taxes with a bottle of White Out and doing their books in Lotus 1 2 3, twirling their mustaches as they plot penny ante shenanigans. The stories are written for, and to manipulate the opinions and voting behavior of low information people. What a shame that low information people are such a big part of our nation's industrial output.
    In other words, you know exactly as much as I do about this.


    Not Even ONE Indictment
    MDS Supporter
    Feb 24, 2018
    Montgomery County
    In other words, you know exactly as much as I do about this.
    I’m talking about what we all know about how large businesses and wealthy families have their books done. And that stories like this essentially always turn out to be context-free when they aren’t fact-free. As reported by this routinely partisan media outlet, it doesn’t ring true/complete.


    MDS Supporter
    Aug 14, 2007
    Mt Airy
    I’m talking about what we all know about how large businesses and wealthy families have their books done. And that stories like this essentially always turn out to be context-free when they aren’t fact-free. As reported by this routinely partisan media outlet, it doesn’t ring true/complete.
    "What we all know"... followed by platitudes.

    As I've stated: I know what journalists and media CAN do. I know that this is an election year. I know that a republican is running. I don't care about platitudes or generalizations. I want to know if there are any FACTS backing this article up.

    Because even if everything you said is a fact and he has CPAs doing all of the accounting, then as the owner HE IS STILL ON THE HOOK FOR PAYMENT and making everything right. They are his employees, and the buck stops with him.

    So, stop dispensing platitudes and generalizations and either: a) give me some facts you know about this subject, or b) STFU about it. Because everything you said I already know.


    MDS Supporter
    Feb 20, 2013

    So, stop dispensing platitudes and generalizations and either: a) give me some facts you know about this subject, or b) STFU about it. Because everything you said I already know.


    Not Even ONE Indictment
    MDS Supporter
    Feb 24, 2018
    Montgomery County
    So, stop dispensing platitudes and generalizations and either: a) give me some facts you know about this subject, or b) STFU about it. Because everything you said I already know.
    For someone who wants facts and is willing to tell someone providing some perspective on the long history of this sort of thing to shut the f up, you sure were comfortable tossing out the word “dirtbag” in your headline. Gee, no spin there. But thanks for shutting me up. You win.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Sep 3, 2012
    In the boonies of MoCo
    So, the reason that The Greenbrier Hotel is on the auction block is that Justice had an agreement to take care of well past due payments on the note with his creditor. That creditor got tired of having to wait for the notes to be satisfied and sold said notes to another creditor who Justice did NOT have an agreement with and they proceeded to foreclosure on the basis of the back-owed payments that he hadn't satisfied with the previous creditor. It's similar to how a landlord can sell a property to a new landlord and the new landlord can collect delinquent rents under the old landlord's term in many states.

    Now, the fact that he hasn't made contributions to the employee health plans has nothing to do with this, it has everything to do with the fact that the family has regularly dodged paying taxes, premiums, and other things in a timely fashion to essentially kite money that they are using elsewhere to earn interest for them.


    MDS Supporter
    Aug 14, 2007
    Mt Airy
    For someone who wants facts and is willing to tell someone providing some perspective on the long history of this sort of thing to shut the f up, you sure were comfortable tossing out the word “dirtbag” in your headline. Gee, no spin there. But thanks for shutting me up. You win.
    That's just it...your "perspective " is just platitudes. I already knew everything that you said. You're analyzing a situation that has already been analyzed. You continue to try to wow with your words, when you're really saying nothing.
    Then why jump to conclusions about "dirtbag". I thought we were supposed to be innocent until proven guilty?

    Me, personally, I would take anything from Associated Press with a grain of salt containing less than a grain of truth.
    I didn't jump to conclusions. I asked a question. I admitted that I didn't know anything about Justice. There's a question mark in the thread title.

    And i DO take AP articles (and everyone else's for that matter) with a grainofsalt because of aforementioned lack of trust for media these days. But these accusations transcend media bias
    So, the reason that The Greenbrier Hotel is on the auction block is that Justice had an agreement to take care of well past due payments on the note with his creditor. That creditor got tired of having to wait for the notes to be satisfied and sold said notes to another creditor who Justice did NOT have an agreement with and they proceeded to foreclosure on the basis of the back-owed payments that he hadn't satisfied with the previous creditor. It's similar to how a landlord can sell a property to a new landlord and the new landlord can collect delinquent rents under the old landlord's term in many states.

    Now, the fact that he hasn't made contributions to the employee health plans has nothing to do with this, it has everything to do with the fact that the family has regularly dodged paying taxes, premiums, and other things in a timely fashion to essentially kite money that they are using elsewhere to earn interest for them.


    THANK YOU BOTH for providing insight to this topic. I'm glad he's making things right


    Not Even ONE Indictment
    MDS Supporter
    Feb 24, 2018
    Montgomery County
    You continue to try to wow with your words, when you're really saying nothing.
    I mentioned how these things usually play out and why lefty news outlets do what they do because your OP made it sound like that was news to you, and your headline sounded like it completely swallowed the bait. What's with the vitriol? Yeeesh.


    Jul 15, 2011
    Inwood, WV
    The contract/foreclosure thing is noise; big companies gonna act like big companies.

    The employees not having their health insurance premiums paid is a different issue, and if employees are getting letters from the insurer stating that the premiums haven't been paid then the company is paying f-u games with them. Hopefully the union has their backs on this. With 400 employees there's likely a payroll processor such as Deltek or ADP in the middle whose records would be available to the authorities, so getting to the bottom of that mess shouldn't be a problem.

    If I were an employee I would also check my SSA account for this year to ensure that the amount deducted from my paycheck matches what SSA has received. It's not uncommon for companies with financial issues to stop remitting payroll taxes.

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