Ultimate Member
- Aug 2, 2009
- 34,552
At the risk of being rude go find a training company and get it.
[ Putting on my ball cap , with the logo of * Diplomatic , yet Direct * ]
There is a cliché truism , that is actually true :
Qualifying Ain't Training
The 16hr Required W&C Class , beyond the deliberate harassment aspect , is at the bottom line a Qualification. Checking a box for the beaurocrats .
Yes , many of W&C Class Providers have the Ability , and a Strong Desire to also provide Meaningful Training in addition. But with the current Manditory 71 page pdf , their hands are logisticly tied , to any meaningful degree .
Serious Training , and levels of competence such that a Wise & Prudent Person would seek , are something that must be done separately in addition to the 16hr Poll Tax .
[ Yes , a hot button subject , and fierce debate as to What that Wise & Prudent Set of Skills & Knowledge would look like , but essentially Universal recognition that the W&C shooting standards ain't it .]