Help, Owner of a B&T tp9 that MSP says I can't own

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  • BaltimoreColt

    Sep 9, 2011
    I bought a Brugger & Thomet TP9 from a guy I contacted through a Tennessee gun owners forum. I could have sworn I saw somewhere before that it was gtg in MD. Now that its at my FFL I'm being told no, it's not on the restricted gun rooster. The Steyr SPP is , which is the older version of this gun pretty much. I called Marlene Jenkins which I'm told by my FFL that she is in charge of the rooster, but no reply. I am trying to figure out if its worth the hassle of sending the gun to the msp to be reviewed, which I'm told is a lengthy process and is done quarterly. Does anyone know why the Steyr SPP is ok but not this gun? Is it because DSArms,the importer/distributer since its Swiss made, never had the gun submitted to MSP for approval? I don't want to go through all this if it's been done before with a outcome of NO GOOD in MD. Can anyone shed some light on this as of what I should do. I payed a private party by paypal and he doesn't want to help or even answer emails. The FFL understands that I payed for it already and it was there just for a transfer, or so I thought. Arrgh. What to do? At least the FFL is willing to hold it for now untill I find out what I want, or can do about this. This is my price to pay for being a resident of our great state.
    Thanks in advance for your time, its greatly appreciated.

    Name Taken

    Ultimate Member
    Feb 23, 2010
    If the seller isnt going to help you out then you are limited. You can either submit the gun to the board and it will 99% be approved or you can try and sell it via another website to another state.

    The board process isnt "hard" per se....the gun goes to MSP in Pikesville...they test fire and the board should meet in January. There is a 2 month "appeal" window before it makes the registry. So if you get it to them before the January meeting you should have it by March.


    "Part of that Ultra MAGA Crowd"
    MDS Supporter
    Jan 15, 2006
    AA county
    You could have it sent to an FFL that places consignment firearms on auction sites.


    May 16, 2008
    Pasadena Maryland
    Does anyone know why the Steyr SPP is OK but not this gun

    The board only approves guns that have been sent in to them. So that fact that it is not approved means nothing. If the model number changes by one letter, it needs to be sent in for approval, it's just a scheme to limit the guns for sale in Marylandistan.


    I wanna go fast
    Dec 6, 2011
    Harford Co
    That's a Steyr TMP clone right? I'd say make the investment to SBR it. It'll still be usable as a pistol, but you'll have the option of using it as a carbine. The MSP thing is a crapshoot, don't they keep it if it doesn't get approved?
    Last edited:


    Jun 29, 2010
    Carroll County
    That's a Steyr TMP clone right? I'd say make the investment to SBR it. It'll still be usable as a pistol, but you'll have the option of using it as a carbine. The MSP thing is a crapshoot, don't they keep it if it doesn't get approved?

    Or I think you could have an out of state relative buy it, and then I believe they could gift it to you. I know another member did something like this to get a Polish MAG98 earlier this year.

    This "other member" you make reference to:

    His father gifted it to him.

    As per the description and continuity of this thread thus far, if the OP follows through with your post quoted above, it will be a straw purchase as the purchaser (out of state relative) is not the intended recipient, the OP is.


    I wanna go fast
    Dec 6, 2011
    Harford Co
    This "other member" you make reference to:

    His father gifted it to him.

    As per the description and continuity of this thread thus far, if the OP follows through with your post quoted above, it will be a straw purchase as the purchaser (out of state relative) is not the intended recipient, the OP is.

    Ah, ok. Wasn't sure how that worked. Now I know. OP: disregard that idea.


    Sep 9, 2011
    Sorry guys/gals, I work nights and went to sleep shortly after posting. I can shed some light on this issue now, as I was on the phone all day yesterday w/ the lady the runs the MD handgun rooster board. First off, someone was asking if the B&T TP9 is a Steyr TMP clone, no it is the new Steyr so to say. From my Knowledge, which I looked into this gun pretty good for some time now, it goes like this. Steyr produced the Tmp(select fire) and shortly after produced the Spp(civi semi auto). For some reason they only made it from like 1998 to 2002 I think, and sold all the rights, patents, tooling, and production equipment to Brugger & Thomet(Switzerland). Brugger and Thomet , to the best of my knowledge, changed a few things that could have been better, like the trigger, they added a picitanny, and I think they elogated the bolt a tiny bit to improve on reliability. I hear this gun is like the AR, it runs fine, you just need to properly maintain and lube the weapon. Anyways, Brugger and Thomet decided to expand its market into the US in about 2008 or so and they got DSArms on board to be their distributer/importer in the US. DSArms sells the gun as a pistol only, but the gun has a lug for a stock to SBR it. BTW, I looked into the AOW and SBR route and was told no, you can't do that until this pistol is on the rooster.
    Now for the good news. I spoke with the lady that runs the rooster board multiple times yesterday, as did my FFL. Which btw, only worked with me since I'm a regular customer(like 15 guns a year regular)Any other FFL would not have gave a shit if I had this gun. By the end of the day the conclusion was this: This gun was never submitted to the board by DSArms or anyone else. It is just like the Steyr Spp which is on the rooster and it will not be looked at as a Assault Pistol. The Attorney general said that I can go ahead and start the process of having the gun looked at by the board. The board will look at the gun as a pistol and will be put through. I have to have my FFL deliver it to them along with a huge packet of paperwork by Dec. 10. The rooster board meets quarterly, so I was told to expect to have it back in March. But I'm going through with it. So in around March I will update on here and let everyone know that its on the Handgun Rooster. Then it will become a SBR:party29:

    Name Taken

    Ultimate Member
    Feb 23, 2010

    The paperwork packet isnt that large...about a full page or so maybe two pages. If you need a template I can type up the one we used for my Sig but I dont have it saved.

    Something to speak of with your FFL....they should be able to do the transfer towards the end of Feb. so come March the first day it's on the board you can go and pick it up. See if they are willing to do that. It'll save you a week of waiting after waiting several months already.


    Ultimate Member
    Jul 27, 2011
    This is exceedingly stupid. So glad I'm only temporarily living in this state.
    May 13, 2005
    BTW, I looked into the AOW and SBR route and was told no, you can't do that until this pistol is on the rooster.

    That doesn't seem right, since there are many, many AK SBR rifles made from AK pistols in MD and they are not on the roster.

    Also, why the hell would you put a pistol on a rooster? :D

    Russ D

    Ultimate Member
    Nov 10, 2008
    That doesn't seem right, since there are many, many AK SBR rifles made from AK pistols in MD and they are not on the roster.

    Also, why the hell would you put a pistol on a rooster? :D

    It's the terrestrial version of "sharks with friggin laser beams".

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