Happy 17th Birthday Maryland Shooters

The #1 community for Gun Owners of the Northeast

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  • Bisleyfan44

    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Jan 11, 2008
    Looking at how many of the older members posted in this thread, it's good to see so many are still around and active. Many have gone, some by their own doing, some not. But this got me to thinking about the biggest expansion moments over the years. Post Sandy Hook, Dec. 2012 and into 2013, was probably the time of the highest membership growth here. Then again at the start of the pandemic, the craziness seems to have brought on another growth spurt. Sprinkled among those are smaller events that have rallied the 2A community around the cause when this God-given right has been threatened. I am so appreciative for all that MDS is, from the learning and sharing aspects of our love for gun ownership, to being the rally point for 2A advocates across the state. To DD214 (RIP), Norton, texkev, joppaj, and all the moderators and members that make this place possible and enjoyable......THANK YOU!

    Happy Birthday MDS!!
    Last edited:


    Another day in Paradise
    MDS Supporter
    Oct 25, 2012
    Space Coast
    Happy Birthday MDShooters and Thanks Don you did a good thing making a place for old guys to hang out, Here's to all that make it work Cheers and Salute:mdpatriot:patriot:

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