Handgun Roster effective time?

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  • chuck322

    Dec 22, 2022
    Edgewater, MD
    Go to the MSP Licensing Division web page. On the left side is a link to Handgun Roster Board.

    Click that and halfway down the page is the agenda for the next meeting. The list of proposed firearms is there
    Looking at the agenda, I see some pistols are highlighted in yellow. I can’t find anything indicates what that means. Do you have any idea you seem to know a lot about what’s going on?


    Active Member
    Aug 4, 2023
    Looking at the agenda, I see some pistols are highlighted in yellow. I can’t find anything indicates what that means. Do you have any idea you seem to know a lot about what’s going on?

    Did you ever get an answer about the Yellow highlights? I'm looking at the Sept Agenda and noticed some highlighted and some not. Would love to know why.


    Active Member
    Aug 4, 2023
    Call them and ask.

    Handgun Roster Board -

    (410) 653-4247.

    I called! LOL.. Rachel that handles this was working from home, so I sent her an email.

    items in YELLOW means a sample was submitted to them.
    4 items were tabled
    - Taurus, Roscoe - unable to test fire due to no firing pin.
    - Tommy Built Tactical, T7 - able to test fire, but had feeding and extracting issues
    - Finks Custom Guns, GSP Govt. - Grip safety not functional
    - Biofire, Smart Gun - Request for time to review new technology and reconsider battery and shooting concerns at Dec 4th meeting; in-person representative, if feasible; 3rd party digitized testing, if available; and CA and MA test results

    Everything else was approved and should go into the MD Register issue on 9/20. 30 days allowed for objections. If no objections they will be on the handgun roster on 10/20.


    Confederate Jew
    MDS Supporter
    Look in the small print

    A Lorcin LM9 9mm had been submitted and approved !"
    Back in the early 90s when they were handling our FFLs like candy, I bought a P.O.S. Lorcin in Florida

    Out of 50 rounds, 13 fired without problem. Many stovepipes, and many failures to extract

    I may, or may not, have swapped that piece of crap for a hummer, on Jacksonville Beach


    Confederate Jew
    MDS Supporter
    That's okay as long as he was cute...

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