Grant Writter-Fire/EMS exp preferred

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  • MDFF2008

    Ultimate Member
    Aug 12, 2008
    We are looking to hire a grant writter for our fire house. Preferably experienced with FEMA grants related to fire service like SAFER but open to someone with experience with grants period.

    Pay is negotiable but we know we have to pay.

    PM me.

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    Jul 25, 2012
    (I am NOT interested, or offering to assist). I assume that you have found the specific FEMA Grant opportunity, have the CFDA, funding opportunity and know the availability window. After that, its a matter of pulling it up on (you'll need a SAM account) and looking at the package requirements (I just completed one with a 13-document set).

    I suggest you check the FEMA operating dvision that is funding it for a POC and understand what is really being favored and funded. It really helps to talk to someone who is going to be at the table reading your grant application and deciding to approve it - or not. Try to find out what they want covered in the main volume. The financial documents are the hardest - and in my opinion require an accountant. Because they will really go through it both in review - and later when you have an ICRA. An ICRA is hell and your accountant will be feeding them cost build data at a very fine level. My client agency's ICRAs are done by private accounting firms advising the government and they are looking at cents - literally.

    But KNOWING what the priorties are that are really being funded and roughly the reality check for how much funding you can realistically receive is Job 1. Writing blind is like working hard on a laborious roulette spin. Take notes when you are talking to the FEMA key person for win themes. Follow those. Your proposal needs to line up with what they want to fund - NOT what you want.

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