Ever heard of Trace Creek Turkey call?

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  • remrug

    Ultimate Member
    Mar 13, 2009
    manchester md
    We found out my Mom had colon cancer. Three weeks ago, I went with her for a consultation with the Doc who would do the surgery. In his office were all kind of things that were piled up on shelves and a couple of tables. He said they were gifts from some of his patients. I asked him about a small box call I could see beside him. He picked it up and made some awful squawks on it. I asked him if he wanted me to show how it works and he handed it to me. It made the sweetest yelps I ever heard on a box call. I was impressed.

    Fast forward to today. We went back for her one week followup from surgery. Which went great btw. Cancer was confined to the colon and no chemo needed. I have been thinking of that call since day one. When the Doc was finished with the meeting, I asked him if he knew the brand of call , which he didnt. I told him I really liked it and wanted to buy one. He went back to his office and brought it to me. It is custom made with the words Trace Creek and two turkey feathers and a few turkey tracks etched on the paddle. I asked him if I could take a pic. He said yes, but when I reached for my phone, he changed his mind. He handed it to me and said it was mine. I tried to decline because they were gifts to him but again he said to keep it. Told me to kill a big one . I told him with sincere thanks, I would send him a pic if I did.

    This is where the story turns back to not so good.
    Mom also has cancer in some lymph nodes in her neck which migrated from lip cancer. The colon cancer delayed any treatments for that. We go to a consultation on the 21st to see what the next steps are. Fingers crossed!!!!


    Ultimate Member
    Mar 13, 2009
    manchester md
    There are dozens of small time call makers ending in "creek". I found a Trace Creek in Tennessee. It's just outside of Nashville.

    Best wishes to your mom.
    Thats all I could find with Google search. Was hoping someone here would recognize the name. Thanks for searching and for thinking about my mom


    watdyaknow watdyasee?
    MDS Supporter
    Yes. I do know how to text pics, just not how to add them to a web page.
    If you save pics to your phone, take a couple pics of the call. Then log into MDS through the phone. Next open a post to reply to this thread. To add a pic, go to the top of reply tool bar where you'll see a picture icon(between chain link and smiley face). Click on it. A drop down will ask you to "Choose file". Clicking on that will take you to your photo gallery where you'll tap on a pic and press "open". You will see the pic open into you post. Repeat this for every pic you need to add.


    Ultimate Member
    Mar 13, 2009
    manchester md
    We found out my Mom had colon cancer. Three weeks ago, I went with her for a consultation with the Doc who would do the surgery. In his office were all kind of things that were piled up on shelves and a couple of tables. He said they were gifts from some of his patients. I asked him about a small box call I could see beside him. He picked it up and made some awful squawks on it. I asked him if he wanted me to show how it works and he handed it to me. It made the sweetest yelps I ever heard on a box call. I was impressed.

    Fast forward to today. We went back for her one week followup from surgery. Which went great btw. Cancer was confined to the colon and no chemo needed. I have been thinking of that call since day one. When the Doc was finished with the meeting, I asked him if he knew the brand of call , which he didnt. I told him I really liked it and wanted to buy one. He went back to his office and brought it to me. It is custom made with the words Trace Creek and two turkey feathers and a few turkey tracks etched on the paddle. I asked him if I could take a pic. He said yes, but when I reached for my phone, he changed his mind. He handed it to me and said it was mine. I tried to decline because they were gifts to him but again he said to keep it. Told me to kill a big one . I told him with sincere thanks, I would send him a pic if I did.

    This is where the story turns back to not so good.
    Mom also has cancer in some lymph nodes in her neck which migrated from lip cancer. The colon cancer delayed any treatments for that. We go to a consultation on the 21st to see what the next steps are. Fingers crossed!!!!


    Ultimate Member
    Mar 13, 2009
    manchester md
    If you save pics to your phone, take a couple pics of the call. Then log into MDS through the phone. Next open a post to reply to this thread. To add a pic, go to the top of reply tool bar where you'll see a picture icon(between chain link and smiley face). Click on it. A drop down will ask you to "Choose file". Clicking on that will take you to your photo gallery where you'll tap on a pic and press "open". You will see the pic open into you post. Repeat this for every pic you need to add.
    Wow!!!!! it worked....lol
    Thanks for walking me through that.

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