Double murder in New Market

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  • brianns

    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Dec 29, 2015
    Montgomery County
    And the specific mag from my belt ( w/ BF Jr' dirty fingernails)

    View attachment 487377

    They're different !

    Y'all's the witness holes are side by side in each row . Mine , They're staggered , the farther down the mag , the more that the witness hole on the right is increasingly farther down than the left , to the point that one final row , it's noticeable at a glance which one is above which one .

    At least I'm 10% not crazy .

    Now , I'm going to have to go and inspect and segregate all my magazines.
    Your magazine does look weird. Could it be one of those Chinese fakes? Did it come from Glock or with a new in box Glock pistol? The plastic looks like it has a deeper gap between the metal and plastic, etc. Over the years Glock added the ambi mag release cut but I don't know why dimensionally that the layout would need to change to make that 'ok' compared to older one's like mine or the LE/Military like Threeband's.


    Ultimate Member
    Aug 2, 2009
    Obviously didn't come in the box with a Glock pistol , that would be illegal . :)

    From the huge mag vendor in the back of the main room @ Chantilly . Signed as being Glock Factory , different from their Korea Glock Mags .

    My lot of former LE mags are all stamped " Austria " .


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Dec 29, 2015
    Montgomery County
    Obviously didn't come in the box with a Glock pistol , that would be illegal . :)

    From the huge mag vendor in the back of the main room @ Chantilly . Signed as being Glock Factory , different from their Korea Glock Mags .

    My lot of former LE mags are all stamped " Austria " .
    I’ve gotten magazines from them. Nothing with provenance though.


    Aug 5, 2007
    Happened Sunday night. Male and Female in their early 30's. Shot 42 times with a .40cal. Four children in the house are safe. Woman was mother to all four, the male was father to one. Police say it wasn't random, but don't have anyone in custody nor are they revealing if they have a suspect or not.

    I'd be looking at the dad of the other three if it were me.
    You think the other 3 have the same dad ??????

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