so i was denied my permit to be upfront i do have a bit of a background to include some assault charges that were wrongfully brought against me….
all of my charges were found not guilty dismissed or nolle pros. i also 10 years ago had a peace order when dealing with a bad custody battle that was also dismissed
i thought being a shall issue state with zero CONVICTIONS i should have been in the clear im good to own long guns but was denied this should i hire a lawyer? it said i show instablility and someone prone to violence in my opinion its unfair because in reality anyone can press charges against anybody which is somewhat my issue here…
all of my charges were found not guilty dismissed or nolle pros. i also 10 years ago had a peace order when dealing with a bad custody battle that was also dismissed
i thought being a shall issue state with zero CONVICTIONS i should have been in the clear im good to own long guns but was denied this should i hire a lawyer? it said i show instablility and someone prone to violence in my opinion its unfair because in reality anyone can press charges against anybody which is somewhat my issue here…