denied permit questions

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  • bigsteve2714

    Aug 21, 2024
    so i was denied my permit to be upfront i do have a bit of a background to include some assault charges that were wrongfully brought against me….
    all of my charges were found not guilty dismissed or nolle pros. i also 10 years ago had a peace order when dealing with a bad custody battle that was also dismissed

    i thought being a shall issue state with zero CONVICTIONS i should have been in the clear im good to own long guns but was denied this should i hire a lawyer? it said i show instablility and someone prone to violence in my opinion its unfair because in reality anyone can press charges against anybody which is somewhat my issue here…


    When All Else Fails.
    Apr 1, 2013
    If you didn't do any of the things you were accused of then call a lawyer. If you did do them, and people are saying you did them, then good luck.

    Dismissed/Not Guilty or not.

    The state of Maryland will use any and all fake stories/interviews about you to deny your permit.


    Aug 21, 2024
    If you didn't do any of the things you were accused of then call a lawyer. If you did do them, and people are saying you did them, then good luck.

    Dismissed/Not Guilty or not.

    The state of Maryland will use any and all fake stories/interviews about you to deny your permit.
    thanks you for the response ive been trying to get ahold of hershon if anyone knows of any other lawyers that help with this type of situation feel free to leave there name


    Confederate Jew
    MDS Supporter
    Stouffer Legal advertises NGA work on the radio

    Brit has helped several here, and she has spoken at MSI meetings

    Give her a call



    When All Else Fails.
    Apr 1, 2013
    Try Stouffer Legal. First name Brittany I think. If she doesn't do exactly what you need done, I would think she'd have leads for you.

    I'm sure others will chime in to help. Nothing like an angry ex-ball and chain to make your life miserable for decades to come.

    Good Luck.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Jan 8, 2014
    I suggest you join here:

    And contact Harris & Cohen, Towson.



    Ultimate Member
    Dec 22, 2018
    I second Cohen and Harris, they are MSI suggested and have helped a bunch of people even some here.


    TV Personality
    Patriot Picket
    Sep 2, 2013
    Cuba on the Chesapeake
    Stouffer Legal advertises NGA work on the radio

    Brit has helped several here, and she has spoken at MSI meetings

    Give her a call

    For the love of God, no.

    For those of us who watched her work at the old HPRB meetings, let's just say that she's not the brightest bulb in the pack. Certainly not the one you would want going round and round with the MSP over your permit.

    NFA trusts, sure, everything else, not so much.


    When All Else Fails.
    Apr 1, 2013
    so i already clicked for the informal review…should i not speak with them until consulting a lawyer? it was my thought they would tell me which charge exactly was the issue and i could get expungements
    They won't tell you anything. They'll claim that telling you something could put someone else in danger. They don't even require proof that you did what you did. No arrest papers. No court papers. No copy of the peace order. No evidence of any kind. And they will err on the side of caution, for the children, of course, and deny your permit.

    It will be up to you to prove a negative.


    Confederate Jew
    MDS Supporter
    They won't tell you anything. They'll claim that telling you something could put someone else in danger. They don't even require proof that you did what you did. No arrest papers. No court papers. No copy of the peace order. No evidence of any kind. And they will err on the side of caution, for the children, of course, and deny your permit.

    It will be up to you to prove a negative.
    I hear good things about suicide

    Not saying anything

    Just sayin'


    Ultimate Member
    Aug 2, 2009
    thank you for the reply so i should consult them asap as i already clicked the informal review

    Question for yourself :

    Are you Serious, as in willing to drop Lawyer $$ ? Single digit $K or multiple ?

    . How much do you want to set presidency vs just getting Permit ?

    If you have a budget cap , have your Lawyer do maximum to improve your record. Sentence Modification Reopening , recent amnesty programs , pardons , expungements , whatever. Don't try to cherry pick one or two things , have Lawyer to everything possible for everything . After that's accomplished, give it 6 to 12 months for all the changes to be manually entered into all 17 data bases, then reapply .

    ( Above is " working within the existing system " )

    OR , Screw That !

    Do a straight up Constitutional Challenge . Make the Challenge that Under Bruen Maryland lacks authority to Deny a Permit on the Basis of Propensity Of Violence

    This is Ultimately Correct . But Freedom isn't Free , and Justice isn't cheap . But a Test Case Plaintiff will have to Appeal all the way up the Chain .

    If you're paying for yourself, bring $50 K for first round .


    Ultimate Member
    Aug 2, 2009
    Damn auto correct won't let me write the P Word relating to Case Law . No matter my typing it correctly, it always auto corrects to Presedency.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Dec 6, 2012
    They won't tell you anything. They'll claim that telling you something could put someone else in danger. They don't even require proof that you did what you did. No arrest papers. No court papers. No copy of the peace order. No evidence of any kind. And they will err on the side of caution, for the children, of course, and deny your permit.

    It will be up to you to prove a negative.

    What the hell are you talking about?
    MD is shall ussue
    They don’t do interviews anymore

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    No One of Consequence
    MDS Supporter
    Oct 19, 2007
    Severn & Lewes
    My latent callowness and weak attempt at jocularity has been deleted after clarification from @eruby.

    @scottyfz6 My remark was unintentionally. My pardon if I caused you any undue insult.

    I hope that I am now not your Fuckleberry
    Last edited:

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