Current wait times for HQL and or HGP/CCW

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  • ked0607

    Aug 25, 2012
    PG CO
    I have just wandered back to the world of slinging lead down range. I am in the market for a newer addition to the fleet. Have not purchased a gun since 2012 so no HQL or HGP. Just recently went to the range for the first time in like 12 years as well. Prior service with honorable discharge so training isnt necessary. Prints are scheduled tomorrow. What the turn around time for each? Also is it possible to do person to person transfers at the MSP barracks or do you have to go through a FFL dealer? Went to Chantilly and needed a mop for all the drool of the new goods on the market. Def need to scratch my itch just curious how long the itch is going to have to wait.....


    MDS Supporter
    Feb 20, 2013
    MSP only does handgun (and stripped lower IIRC) transfers. No rifles.


    Past President, MSI
    MDS Supporter
    Apr 6, 2011
    I have just wandered back to the world of slinging lead down range. I am in the market for a newer addition to the fleet. Have not purchased a gun since 2012 so no HQL or HGP. Just recently went to the range for the first time in like 12 years as well. Prior service with honorable discharge so training isnt necessary. Prints are scheduled tomorrow. What the turn around time for each? Also is it possible to do person to person transfers at the MSP barracks or do you have to go through a FFL dealer? Went to Chantilly and needed a mop for all the drool of the new goods on the market. Def need to scratch my itch just curious how long the itch is going to have to wait.....

    Once you get your HQL, and you have made your new aquisition, apply for and obtain a Designated Collector letter from MSP.

    It doesn't cut down on the 7 day wait or eliminate the 77R, but it does eliminate the "one gun every 30 days" requirement.


    Past President, MSI
    MDS Supporter
    Apr 6, 2011
    Current wait times for the HQL are about 14 - 30 days


    MD Wear&Carry Instructor
    Industry Partner
    MDS Supporter
    Sep 25, 2011
    Outside the Gates
    They open @9. So I don't suspect anything is done before then......
    What makes it appear to be 6 AM is the batch emails that the server sends out at 6 AM every day. I guess it doesn’t matter what time the trooper actually pushes the send button the email server doesn’t push them out until the next day.


    Aug 25, 2012
    PG CO
    What makes it appear to be 6 AM is the batch emails that the server sends out at 6 AM every day. I guess it doesn’t matter what time the trooper actually pushes the send button the email server doesn’t push them out until the next day.
    I got my email @ 11:25 am this morning.... Maybe things are changing.....

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