Best FFL in HoCo?

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  • RRomig

    Ultimate Member
    Industry Partner
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    Aug 30, 2021
    Burtonsville MD
    I’m in Jessup. I’m just an ffl w/sot. No store with stuff for sale. I do it part time out of my HVAC shop. It depends on your priorities to determine the “best” for you.


    MDS Supporter
    Feb 20, 2013
    There is a guy that wears cowboy boots and drives a F-650 (maybe something even bigger now). Can't remember his name, but it wasn't a common one.


    Dec 2, 2020
    I’m in Jessup. I’m just an ffl w/sot. No store with stuff for sale. I do it part time out of my HVAC shop. It depends on your priorities to determine the “best” for you.
    If this is Suppressed Ballistics...This guy gets my vote. quick and Easy process, very reasonable fees, and friendly. Have used him several times.

    2a and tylers are great shops but their transfer fees are outrageous. if youre just looking for a guy to get ffl shipments sent to, its a waste of money and usually time


    Active Member
    MDS Supporter
    Dec 18, 2022
    Howard County
    I’m in Jessup. I’m just an ffl w/sot. No store with stuff for sale. I do it part time out of my HVAC shop. It depends on your priorities to determine the “best” for you.
    Have probably done around 15 or so with Ron. He is good people. (says the new guy).


    Ultimate Member
    Jan 26, 2013
    Howard County
    I live in HoCo. Tyler Firearms is my go to. Easy drive. Bought, consigned and done transfers with them. Great group of guys and my first stop.

    Past experience. Some distant past:

    Done business with 2a Sales and SCSG, both recommended.

    A little farther out: Elite firearms, Atlantic Guns, United, all different. All good. Bought from all of them.

    I wish I was closer to Hafer’s. They seem to have a little or a lot of everything. Bought and consigned with them.

    Medusa are good folks when I spoke to them at a show but they are a little far for me.

    ETA: Just wanted to be a little more clear in my recommendation so I edited a little. Tyler Firearms knows how to run a business. Never a hint of any attitude or issue. Very easy to work with. They have good prices and can order most things. Their online transfer feature is second to none. I would only go there but I like to browse other shops from time to time for older things that may have found their way into the pre owned cases.
    Last edited:


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Dec 23, 2015
    Tyler firearms without a doubt.

    Did an inbound order / transfer once with 2A. Was NOT impressed. They pulled some shady stuff raising the price on me. Ended up paying $75 for simple handgun transfer. No thanks, not ever going back.

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