Bathroom Fan Replacement plus...

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  • sundaeman

    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Sep 16, 2008
    My arm is jacked and I need to get some stuff done around the house, actually more but this will do the trick at the moment.

    Replace bathroom ceiling fan, regular ceiling fan in family room ( Vaulted ceiling may need to replace rod), a toliet valve assembly, bathroom light wall fixture.

    Located around Ellicott City.


    Aug 7, 2022
    United States
    My arm is jacked and I need to get some stuff done around the house, actually more but this will do the trick at the moment.

    Replace bathroom ceiling fan, regular ceiling fan in family room ( Vaulted ceiling may need to replace rod), a toliet valve assembly, bathroom light wall fixture.

    Replace bathroom ceiling fan, regular ceiling fan in family room ( Vaulted ceiling may need to replace rod), a toliet valve assembly, bathroom light wall fixture.
    Located around Ellicott City. new york kitchen & bath
    Want to replace a bathroom extractor fan as I think it's had its day.

    The original one is a
    type 100t1
    240v 50hz 19w

    Runs of light switch from an isolator.

    Google search obviously brings up a whole load of results. I understand the "100" refers to the diameter.

    But the prefixes ie. CF/VA/DX etc I don't understand.

    Just looking for a good silent fan which will run of a light switch.


    Active Member
    Mar 19, 2010
    Harford County
    Often, those bathroom fans are a metal box with a fan ASSEMBLY inside.
    Pull the grill cover down and see if it has a plug. Unplug it and there's either a screw or tab type latch to one side. Release the latch or screw and the whole inside assembly just hinges out. You probably can just replace that assembly or probably for the same money, buy a new one the same size and replace the assembly, and dispose of the rest of the parts.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Feb 28, 2011
    Harford County
    Often, those bathroom fans are a metal box with a fan ASSEMBLY inside.
    Pull the grill cover down and see if it has a plug. Unplug it and there's either a screw or tab type latch to one side. Release the latch or screw and the whole inside assembly just hinges out. You probably can just replace that assembly or probably for the same money, buy a new one the same size and replace the assembly, and dispose of the rest of the parts.
    That's what I do, pop the cover, pull the plug and take out 1 screw. Easy peasy


    watdyaknow watdyasee?
    MDS Supporter


    Super Genius !!
    MDS Supporter
    May 4, 2008
    Got one that might fit.
    Free to the OP.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    Last edited:


    Ultimate Member
    Dec 30, 2020
    Often, those bathroom fans are a metal box with a fan ASSEMBLY inside.
    Pull the grill cover down and see if it has a plug. Unplug it and there's either a screw or tab type latch to one side. Release the latch or screw and the whole inside assembly just hinges out. You probably can just replace that assembly or probably for the same money, buy a new one the same size and replace the assembly, and dispose of the rest of the parts.
    Hope that's the case. I'd hate to go into an attic to replace a bathroom fan in this weather! If I really had to, I'd probably do the job at night.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Sep 16, 2008
    FYI - mpollan & co. did a great job for me last year. probably going to hit him up again sometime.


    Powered by natural gas
    Oct 30, 2010
    Westminster, MD
    I need to get ours replaced sometime soon, but I never really figured out who to call to do it. I'm not gonna try, it looks awkward for me to try it. Ours has been in the house since 91, and squeaks sometimes, I assume to the extreme humidity in there. I'd squirted some lube in there before, and it quiets it down for a bit.


    Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
    MDS Supporter
    Sep 26, 2012
    FYI - mpollan & co. did a great job for me last year. probably going to hit him up again sometime.
    Thanks, was hoping you were satisfied.
    Just an FYI. it does a world of good to pull the cover off these things once every year or so and give them a good vacuuming out.
    ^This^ The humid air being pulled through makes the dust stick all the more not unlike a clothes dryer vent. Which lead into a tangential PSA. Clean your dryer vent for better/faster drying.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Jan 18, 2009
    On the matter of cleaning out bathroom your exhaust fans. How right you are. Never thought of this and when I pulled the cover off the master bath fan after several years of use I was surprised to see how clogged up it got. I had to remove it from the housing to clean it out.


    watdyaknow watdyasee?
    MDS Supporter
    On the matter of cleaning out bathroom your exhaust fans. How right you are. Never thought of this and when I pulled the cover off the master bath fan after several years of use I was surprised to see how clogged up it got. I had to remove it from the housing to clean it out.
    Yup. People don't realize; linen(towels) + moisture(from shower and bath) being constantly drawn up through the exhaust fan = clogging. :)

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