Aussie Lithgow-specific SMLE stock question

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    Ultimate Member
    Nov 5, 2010
    Eastern shore
    This subject pops up periodically but I haven't seen it here so.
    The "septum" between the main screw & the front of the magazine of Lithgow made SMLEs.
    Is there one or not?
    Is the hole for the main screw & collar normally open at the rear?
    I ask because someone I know just got a JJ&Co imported, not built 1941 Lithgow rifle. It has the lack of a septum, just as mine does & several others I've seen as well.
    Normally in rifles from everyone else it IS there, that I understand, nut is the lack of one a Lithgow design feature?
    Gratuitous image of my '41 Lithy SMLE.:sad20:


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    Doco Overboard

    Ultimate Member
    I'm going to go out on a limb and say the wood bit was omitted on some but maybe not all Lithgow rifles dependent on what factory made the wood.
    I seem to recall faintly, a similar discussion on another forum some years ago.
    I can say nearly with certainty that I observed a Lithgow rifle with the web in place on a rifle at the club a year or two ago.
    Crying shame the condition the rifle was in from what would have been ordinarily a decent example with some maintenance.
    I was looking at it because the butt stock was loose, looking at all the markings and shaking my head at how ignorant somebody could be to repeatedly fire a rifle like that.


    Ultimate Member
    May 30, 2007
    JJ put together tons of No1 MkIII.

    Do you think a 1941 would have new wood?

    Lithy 1941 is a fun year to collect. Last year Lithy used the magazine cut-off.


    Ultimate Member
    Nov 5, 2010
    Eastern shore
    I don't believe this is a JJ put together. But possibly a JJ Import.

    Serial number "B" prefix not "A" suffix, all matching numbers, recoil blocks fitted & so on. It's carefully built, well bedded & shots accurately. No etching from primers on the bolt face either.
    I haven't found a "JJ&Co" stamp either & I've looked in all the usual nooks & crannies.
    There's no cut off & its a high wall stock, not a low wall, but the cut for the slot is there.
    Last edited:


    Ultimate Member
    Nov 5, 2010
    Eastern shore
    My 1914 BSA ShtLE (FTRd),
    My 1941 Lithy SMLE No1 MkIII*, Apparently unissued
    For "control" my '55 Fazakerly No4 Mk2.
    Both the No1s show the fillet absent & show the relationship between the "boss" on the receiver bottom the "washer", the main screw, & the stock wood.
    The No4 Mk2 shows the fillet present, the bolt boss & spacer concealed behind it.


    • Kingscrew 1 14 BSA.JPG
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    • Kingscrew 4 55 Faz.JPG
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    • Kingscrew 8 41 Lithy.JPG
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