Anyone found a good Florida shooting forum yet?

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  • slsc98

    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    May 24, 2012
    Escaped MD-stan to WNC Smokies
    After perusing all I could find, starting about a decade ago, I settled on

    As you mention, LOW activity and my theory is because FL residents have so much freedom, they are out exercising it and not online discussing any lack of it.

    We spend 3 months a year there (and 80%+/- of my extended family trace their roots there) and my interactions with other shooters while were in FL as well as year round with all my cousins, aunts and uncles pretty much confirms (or at least provides the basis for) my theory …

    Also confirming my suspicions is fact I spend my “online FL shooting time” on looking for and registering to shoot events (Steel Challenge, IDPA, uspsa, etc.) and all the shooter interaction is at those matches, in person. is certainly a positive outlier when it comes to gun owner / shooting sports forums ..

    Bob A

    όυ φροντισ
    MDS Supporter
    Patriot Picket
    Nov 11, 2009
    Takoma Park/Silver Spring
    MDS is one of the Unsung Fruits of Oppression.

    In the absence of authoritarians and tyrants, there's little reason to come together in opposition. Once a connection is made with like-minded individuals, a community can form, united by their misery.

    An interesting and useful situation; however, if this results in the removal of the oppression, I suspect the community will eventually dissolve.

    John from MD

    American Patriot
    MDS Supporter
    May 12, 2005
    Socialist State of Maryland
    MDS is one of the Unsung Fruits of Oppression.

    In the absence of authoritarians and tyrants, there's little reason to come together in opposition. Once a connection is made with like-minded individuals, a community can form, united by their misery.

    An interesting and useful situation; however, if this results in the removal of the oppression, I suspect the community will eventually dissolve.
    Maybe, maybe not. MDS has morphed into more than a gun politics forum. We actually act like a community square where you can post sales, ask for help, post notices of events etc. Since many have joined from other States, I have to assume that it is for more than learning about MD gun issues.

    Bob A

    όυ φροντισ
    MDS Supporter
    Patriot Picket
    Nov 11, 2009
    Takoma Park/Silver Spring
    Maybe, maybe not. MDS has morphed into more than a gun politics forum. We actually act like a community square where you can post sales, ask for help, post notices of events etc. Since many have joined from other States, I have to assume that it is for more than learning about MD gun issues.
    I hope you're right.

    It's interesting to note that there's nothing like this forum in any state that's not overrun by gun-grabbers. We'll have to wait a decade to see how it goes here, once Bruen resonates through the courts and legislatures.


    Head'n for the hills
    MDS Supporter
    Dec 21, 2008
    SoMD / West PA
    Just stick with what’s the best…MDS! It’s everywhere!

    MDS has a global reach. Every country I have been in was supposed to have filtering. I couldn't get to certain movies on my streaming apps, but "MD's hooters" made it through every time.

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