Affordable micro red dot reflex sight questions

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  • Sirex

    Powered by natural gas
    Oct 30, 2010
    Westminster, MD
    I want to get a couple of small profile, red dot reflex sights for a couple of pistol caliber carbines. maybe a shotgun too. Looking for something rugged, but affordable, as I am damn near broke.

    Bushnell RSX-100/ Bushnell Advance reflex Sight/ RSX-250

    I am curious. They claim a Ironclad Lifetime warranty. However, it says their electro optics have a 5 year warranty. So, is 5 years the lifetime of the optic? I mean, if it spends most of its 5 year lifespan sitting in a closet or safe, and then craps out after the first 50 shots, that'll suck. About a 4-4.5 rating on Amazon. 4.3 on Optics Planet From the site;


    All Bushnell products are engineered to deliver to your expectation and manufactured to withstand the rigors of the outdoors for the lifetime of the product. Bushnell electro-optics have a 5 year product lifetime. In the event that our product fails you, we will stand behind it and repair it at no cost to you. If we can't repair it then we will replace it with a product of equal or better value. No receipt required and fully transferable.

    Swampfox Kingslayer;

    I like the circle reticle a lot. Says it has a "limited" lifetime warranty. So, not as ironclad as Bushnell's 5 year lifetime warranty?? Amazon and Optics Planet have it around 4 stars

    TruGlo Tru-Tec micro

    I have a couple TruGlo red dots for the kids' 22 rifles, and so far they have been fine. The reviews on the TruGlo website aren't 3 stars, but Optics Planet and Amazon reviews are a bit higher. This is probably my 3rd tier choice.

    I can't afford a Trijicon, or the big name ones, so I'm not even going to discuss those.


    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    I want to get a couple of small profile, red dot reflex sights for a couple of pistol caliber carbines. maybe a shotgun too. Looking for something rugged, but affordable, as I am damn near broke.

    Bushnell RSX-100/ Bushnell Advance reflex Sight/ RSX-250

    I am curious. They claim a Ironclad Lifetime warranty. However, it says their electro optics have a 5 year warranty. So, is 5 years the lifetime of the optic? I mean, if it spends most of its 5 year lifespan sitting in a closet or safe, and then craps out after the first 50 shots, that'll suck. About a 4-4.5 rating on Amazon. 4.3 on Optics Planet From the site;


    All Bushnell products are engineered to deliver to your expectation and manufactured to withstand the rigors of the outdoors for the lifetime of the product. Bushnell electro-optics have a 5 year product lifetime. In the event that our product fails you, we will stand behind it and repair it at no cost to you. If we can't repair it then we will replace it with a product of equal or better value. No receipt required and fully transferable.

    Swampfox Kingslayer;

    I like the circle reticle a lot. Says it has a "limited" lifetime warranty. So, not as ironclad as Bushnell's 5 year lifetime warranty?? Amazon and Optics Planet have it around 4 stars

    TruGlo Tru-Tec micro

    I have a couple TruGlo red dots for the kids' 22 rifles, and so far they have been fine. The reviews on the TruGlo website aren't 3 stars, but Optics Planet and Amazon reviews are a bit higher. This is probably my 3rd tier choice.

    I can't afford a Trijicon, or the big name ones, so I'm not even going to discuss those.

    ****Several of the RSO's have the new RXS-100 as they got them on sale. They deliver a very good value for their price point. Probably 85% or more of the performance of the bigger name stuff, with a decent warranty and easy to replace battery.

    The clarity of the glass is NOT Trijicon or Holosun, etc.. and it does not have fancy coatings, etc.. but it's pretty darn good for what it is. They have them on 9mm pistols, and not on bigger caliber or shooting heavy magnum loads, etc.. and so far nothing has broken, and they are happy with their purchases.

    Bushnell makes good value stuff IME. No idea about the other models you posted, but I don't see anything with those features at anything remotely in that price range from a big manufacturer vs some no name Airsoft type optic whose glass will fall out the first 50 shots or so...


    watdyaknow watdyasee?
    MDS Supporter
    Bushnells products, for their price, have always been well made. Any RDS that is meant for a pistol should be farely hardy to withstand the constant jolts of a reciprocating slide. That is the true test for red dots.

    I personally don't like circle/dots for pistol sized red dots. Too much going on for such a small window. But that's just me.

    I would maybe go to BPS and see if they have any you can look through. If possible, crank up the brightness way up to check for 'starring'. The only RDSs that I own that don't star at all(I do not have astigmatism) are Trijicons. Always a perfect round dot.


    Jul 14, 2024
    Ocean City
    Take a look at Holosun. Not inexpensive, but IMO reasonable. Some are around the top price of what you linked. I got mine through Freedom Gorilla.


    Jan 31, 2008


    If you're just looking for something cheap that's good enough for range guns, this is a pretty solid deal. I tossed one on my Walther sp22m3 and I'm happy with it for that gun. Refresh rate isn't great, so you get some flicker on fast transitions, but the value at that price is pretty good.


    Powered by natural gas
    Oct 30, 2010
    Westminster, MD
    View attachment 480715
    View attachment 480717

    If you're just looking for something cheap that's good enough for range guns, this is a pretty solid deal. I tossed one on my Walther sp22m3 and I'm happy with it for that gun. Refresh rate isn't great, so you get some flicker on fast transitions, but the value at that price is pretty good.
    That's one of the ones I was considering. These are just range gun, PCCs, that will spend most of their lives in a safe. I have more robust optics on the guns I would expect to use if ever needed for self defense.


    Powered by natural gas
    Oct 30, 2010
    Westminster, MD
    Ebay is full of cheap red dots, most, if not all, are Chinese though.
    Yeah, most red dots are made in China anyways, but there are cheaper quality copies on Ebay AND Amazon. If I buy from Ebay I do so thru a factory authorized seller on there so I know they are probably legit. Aimpoint has an Ebay store, as does Eurooptic, and Gunmagwarehouse. As well as a few others I can't recall right now.

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