223 processed brass

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  • Coehorn

    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Feb 26, 2024
    Baltimore County
    I wouldn't trust anyone's "Processing".

    Conduct all the steps yourself and you'll know it's done right.

    And make sure your not buying multiple times fired brass. Or you'll be blowing out primers because of oversized primer pockets and getting them stuck in either your bolt/barrel extension or your trigger group well.


    Short Round
    Jul 12, 2014
    Any reccomendations on purchasing 223 processed brass? Looking for about 5k.
    I deal with Sleeping Giant Brass all the time. They ship fast usually by USPS Priority Mail. along with precision brass.



    Ultimate Member
    MDS Supporter
    Feb 26, 2024
    Baltimore County
    Let's expand this thread. Because it's what we do.

    I've had eight or so primers blow out and get stuck. Jamming up my rifles. My 300 deposits them in the trigger well. My 5.56 deposits them in the barrel extension.

    I use only once fired brass from my rifles to reload. Very careful about primer pocket/primer seating pressure. If I even suspect it's a loose fit, the case gets set aside and de-primed. Case gets thrown out. Still have the occasional blown primer.

    I've reached the point where none of my reloads get used for self defense purposes. Commercially made only ammo.

    What say the group?


    Bad influence
    Jan 18, 2007
    Let's expand this thread. Because it's what we do.

    I've had eight or so primers blow out and get stuck. Jamming up my rifles. My 300 deposits them in the trigger well. My 5.56 deposits them in the barrel extension.

    I use only once fired brass from my rifles to reload. Very careful about primer pocket/primer seating pressure. If I even suspect it's a loose fit, the case gets set aside and de-primed. Case gets thrown out. Still have the occasional blown primer.

    I've reached the point where none of my reloads get used for self defense purposes. Commercially made only ammo.

    What say the group?

    I loaded 55 grain hoser ammo with garbage lc cases that had been shot in an fn minimize, then loaded a couple times with 69s in my m16a4 clone for high power. I load mixed range pickup 556 for the same purpose. I segregate a couple headstamps for decent ammo.

    Typically avoid 556 headstamp stuff for the "better" loads. Weight distribution usually sucks.


    Ultimate Member
    Aug 4, 2009
    Not giving you sh!t my friend. I bookmarked it! :)
    Get on their mailing list. They don't spam you with a bunch of crap. They send out an email every so often when they have stock and that's about it. I keep an eye out for their processing sales. I've sent them all my 5.56 and even some 9mm just for the hell of it. I did buy some of their processed large primer 45acp brass a while back.


    watdyaknow watdyasee?
    MDS Supporter
    Get on their mailing list. They don't spam you with a bunch of crap. They send out an email every so often when they have stock and that's about it. I keep an eye out for their processing sales. I've sent them all my 5.56 and even some 9mm just for the hell of it. I did buy some of their processed large primer 45acp brass a while back.
    Will do! :thumbsup:
    I have had good experiences with M&S Brass Processing Service. It all started because I wasn't about to swage a 5 gallon bucket of once fired LC brass. Send them the brass and they do everything but chamfer a USPS Lg Flat Rate box (~2500 pieces) for around $100, including return shipping.
    They often sell processed brass as well.



    May 20, 2024
    Let's expand this thread. Because it's what we do.

    I've had eight or so primers blow out and get stuck. Jamming up my rifles. My 300 deposits them in the trigger well. My 5.56 deposits them in the barrel extension.

    I use only once fired brass from my rifles to reload. Very careful about primer pocket/primer seating pressure. If I even suspect it's a loose fit, the case gets set aside and de-primed. Case gets thrown out. Still have the occasional blown primer.

    I've reached the point where none of my reloads get used for self defense purposes. Commercially made only ammo.

    What say the group?
    May I expand? I love this topic!

    I have honestly not had a primer blow out yet. I am careful though, which brass I reload. I am not sure of its care or luck, but here's my general process.

    1. I only reload brass I fired from my rifles (except the martini henry....can expand if desired) or pistols.
    2. I track the number of times fired by color coding each case with a sharpie. Green for first reload, blue for second, red for third, etc. I batch them in ziplock bags by number fo times fired. ***rifles only. Straight wall pistol brass is a bit different...less strain, and usually easy to tell if it's at the end of its life***
    3. I inspect the brass after dry tumbling. I toss any that are marginal looking
    4. I toss any that give me the slightest issue in the loading process. Primer sat too easily, primer sat too hard, too much force needed on the resize, too little force. ...heck, if it squints at me wrong or don't say "thank you sir for reloading me" I toss it. Lol
    5. I test one on 10-20 by pushing the bullet against the bench to see if it seats deeper.
    6. I spot check the powder throw
    7. I simply pull apart any ammo that fails the push test or if the powder throw has been off by up to .2 grains. I'll pull the entire batch, test the set up and start again rather than risk my weapon, or my extremities. A rifle or pistol is worth more than the case re used. My health is worth more than both!

    Oh, I almost forgot. With rifle brass, I typically re use once fired cases from factory made ammo. I have better luck with certain manufacturers. PPU brass has been excellent up to 5 uses so far, Lake City(winchester) up to 3....but LC has to have the crimp removed. S&B has been the worst, as it seems more brittle.


    Official Meat Getter
    Feb 25, 2009
    Ltown in the SMC
    M&S is the way to go. I've had them process somewhere around 30k cases in the last 5 years or so, even had them mass process about 5k .223 into 300BLK. Always get great service and they're quick.


    Official Meat Getter
    Feb 25, 2009
    Ltown in the SMC
    Yep that's them. So here are my tips if you end up using them, these come straight from the owner when I called him years back.

    1. Double bag your brass in a trash bag prior to putting in the USPS box. Helps prevent lost brass if the box tears.

    2. Tape is your friend. Tape all the corners and then use more tape on the seams and wrap the box. I use about a roll.

    3. Write your order number on at least 3 sides of the box so when USPS destroys the package in shipping he can still tell who's order it is.

    That's it.


    Ultimate Member
    Aug 4, 2009
    Yep that's them. So here are my tips if you end up using them, these come straight from the owner when I called him years back.

    1. Double bag your brass in a trash bag prior to putting in the USPS box. Helps prevent lost brass if the box tears.

    2. Tape is your friend. Tape all the corners and then use more tape on the seams and wrap the box. I use about a roll.

    3. Write your order number on at least 3 sides of the box so when USPS destroys the package in shipping he can still tell who's order it is.

    That's it.
    I also drop a copy of the order and all my contact info into the box before I tape it up.

    I wish I knew where to get those heavy duty bags he ships the finished ammo in.

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