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    NRA Endowment Member, Rifleman
    Staff member
    May 22, 2005
    The community has seen explosive growth in the last several months.

    With that growth comes growing pains and extra time required of the staff to help to ease those pains on a daily business.

    The five of us spend a LOT of time every day doing housekeeping on the site, some you see, a lot of it you don't.

    There are some simple steps that the general membership can take to help the staff to manage the day to day operations of the site so that we continue to be the most effective source of 2A related knowledge in the state.

    1. Title your threads clearly as to the actual subject matter contained in the thread. Don't be cute, or funny or ironic. This will help to cut down on duplicate posting.

    2. Put threads in the appropriate forums. This helps to cut down on duplicate posts as well and it saves us from having to move stuff around.

    3. Search for existing threads before creating another.

    4. When there is a duplicate thread, it's great when people call "dupe" as it saves us from reading every single post in a thread. It would help us immensely if you would post a link to the existing thread because we then don't have to go searching to verify that the new thread is a dupe for shutting it down.

    5. Cut back on the bickering, sniping, etc. In short, to quote James Dalton...."just be nice". We'll take out the trash.

    6. When there are violations of the forum rules, use the report post function. This is more efficient than sending us PMs. We'll get to it. When something doesn't necessarily violate the rules but doesn't pass the sniff test, do the same.

    7. Ignore the inflammatory trolling posts and for God's sake don't feed them by quoting them. Hit the report post button and let us deal with it.

    8. If one of your posts gets moderated, realize that we're all acting in good faith to make this place productive and enjoyable for everyone. If you quote someone who in turn has their post removed for violation of a forum rule, it is our policy to remove the quoted posts as well.

    9. If we don't answer your PM, don't take it personally. Sometimes it gets lost in the hum of things we're managing. Sometimes it just doesn't warrant a response if you're just passing along information or a head's up.

    Finally, during the heightened traffic of the General Assembly session, the veterans here know that we exercise a great deal of editorial license in moderating things more heavily here.

    Confusion and dissonance is a huge danger to any forum, regardless of the topic, but especially to one so heavily embroiled in the dire political circumstances that we share.

    We make no apologies for keeping the communication lines clear, consistent and productive. We will make adjustments to the content of the forum as our experience and judgement dictates. In ain't personal. You depend on this site for your information and it's important that we translate that to you effective and clearly.


    Staff member
    Apr 11, 2008
    I've zapped two spam accounts today for people posting garbage just to get to the classifieds. Thank you for reporting them, please continue to let us know when you see them.
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