all u need
12 decoys, lots of ammo, a flag, and blind or coverup.. Oh and you need to be wherever they were the night before feeding and be there first thing. You can't call them, only be where they want to go. Remember these birds do the SAME thing every day (until they get shot at). I have...
Once she gets used to sound and recoil, just keep em loaded for her. Remember its about her not you, so keep her occupied. When my wife went with me I had her shoot singles then doubles and by the end emptying clips as fast as she could. The scary part is she is very accurate but has...
Ruger O/U stainless
Bought a (Red?) label stainless over under 12ga. First time to the trap range the top rib slid forward 1/2". Got it pinned and sold it to Cabelas. Thought it was going to be a great duck gun:lol2::lol2::lol2: No more ruger shotguns for me.
Most likely just Seaford store
That store never has had good sporting good sales. Many time post hunting seaso I would go and purchase in bulk for cheap. Or somebody just made an irrational retail decision, after all that never happens.:lol2::lol2:
No ammo in FL
I talked to my dad who lives in the Tampa area and he said there is no ammo down there either. Unless ur desperate just enjoy your time away after all nothing scarier than a WM after dark.:D
Not bad work!
For Stevie Wonder! Obviously their bosses are worthless as leaders. If other troopers were as slow as those in the firearms division, Medivac would be delivering mummies to shock trauma and road dogs would be driving Priuses to accidents.:lol2:
Conditional releases affected???
The way I see and it's probably as clear as mud. The dealers releasing conditionally such as recent ND, collector, purchase with unregulated, etc., should not be affected by this change. As for my contemplated trust for my can purchase, I guess this will delay...
This should get interesting....
When I qit smoking the doctor gave Wellbutrin since it was covered under my health plan which is considered a psycho drug. Looks like another government FU in the making. I guess we will all need to become pharmacists.
Did you pay with a cc?
I assume you paid for this with a credit card? Then I would dispute the charge and offer to return the item for not being as advertised. I think they will see it your way then. By choice or maybe not so much but they can have their gun back and you get your money back...