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    1. trapture

      Confused about the overall length law.

      I agree... Yeah I'm not going to pin the barrel or anything like that. Especially the expense of a Suppressor etc. The disapproval doesn't state anything about the detachable stock, however with the Magpul that won't be a issue. The adaptor is screwed into the rear stock hole (insert joke)...
    2. trapture

      Confused about the overall length law.

      I know this page is old as heck, but I wish I saw it long ago. I just ran into this problem. I own a Sten Mk III SBR, decided hey I want the next project. I found a good Uzi parts kit online. Got it, went through the local gun shop and got a fully welded receiver and started my SBR...
    3. trapture

      Itemized / simplefied List

      Thanks....... admins can delete if need be, thanks all!
    4. trapture

      Itemized / simplefied List

      Hey is there a Link / Thread on here about the approved Maryland Firearms Laws being enacted on October 1, 2013. I'm saying a compiled simple list of what was approved, a no spin no non-sense list so I can bone up on the new changes and I can tell others about them.
    5. trapture

      Firearms storage regulations

      Hey Guys, Where is the firearms storage regulations for Maryland? I would think they are in comar but Haven't came across them. Thanks in Advance TRapture
    6. trapture

      Feedback posted by trapture on clandestine

      Great person to do business with! :)
    7. trapture

      Gov. Omalley's paniced last stand email

      I just sent this around after that email. Mr. INSERT POLITICIAN HERE, I was emailed from the O'Malley email listing. I'm taking the time and effort to email you for the truth. I'm completely against your waste of time and money on the Assault Weapons Band / Weapons Safety Act. According to...
    8. trapture

      Whats the rarest firearm you own?

      My Rarest is a Lee Enfield No. 2 that was bored out to be 3" .410 Shotgun. Usually these were only bored out to 2 1/4" (British .410 Shells)
    9. trapture

      Chiappa Triple-Barrel Shotgun

      God that company is making some ugly guns... LOL, some so ugly I want them.
    10. trapture

      OFFICIAL: Mil-Spec Custom Coatings, LLC AR UPPER Karma

      Hell Yea I'm in!
    11. trapture

      Firearms Confiscated by AA Police

      Been there done that, It can take up to a year to get your firearms back. Mine was because of a protective order (don't ask) and the wife went to the ward but wasn't committed etc. I really depends on the outcome with her and her stability, definitely get a lawyer.
    12. trapture

      Ramrod taking plastic 'nose' from power belts

      yea your missing the powerbelt jag. That Jag I believe works for the hollow point and the pointed flex tip.
    13. trapture

      Just killed a baby Hognose snake

      I hate snakes, however think they are good for the environment. Near my house no good and will be delt with, in the woods see it I'll stay away. if it presents itself I will use snake shot no questions about it. I need to buy a box but I'm trying to decide between 9mm and 45. I usually carry...
    14. trapture

      Rick's Place

      Ten years in business, he should be able to appeal that. Speaking as a person in the business (Surveyor, Engineer, Planner) he has a legitimate reason to appeal. Also it depends on zoning when he started the business not the current regulations. It could be the same but may not be. This is...
    15. trapture

      anyone have a vortex strike fire?

      The magnifier is a useless in my opinion, however i don't have it mounted yet
    16. trapture

      Inexpensive shotgun scope

      Great in Low Light... Very impressed with it.
    17. trapture

      Sellier & Bellot Ammo

      I know my CZ-75 was factory tested with it. I know my .303 Enfields enjoy shooting it. It can be found in surplus, so it has been military used. Just shoot it and be happy, good brass for reloading!
    18. trapture

      Anyone familiar with Trius clay throwers?

      They are owned by Lyman so I would trust them in a heartbeat.
    19. trapture

      Rimfire Carnival Shoot @ the AGC

      ripkinc and I wouldn't mind joining the festivities. What is the cost going to be for this shoot?
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